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Hmmm. Is he really in a "loveless" marriage or is he just telling you he is? There is the possibility that he is just too much of a coward to leave, and even if that were the case, would you want to be with someone who appears to be incapable of being true to himself as well as those he claims to love? don't you deserve better than that? I would be concerned that he isn't being straightforward with himself, you and his wife. When people truly love someone (and themselves) they are honest no matter what the cost.

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18y ago

What happened in the beginning rarely has anything to do with what is happening now. A man who is not prone to cheat, but ends up cheating is probably not getting something he needs from his wife. It could be the emotional or physical relationship that he lacks. If the marraige is worth saving, don't stop sleeping with him because of this affair, it only makes things worse. Second, go to counceling and start working this out. A 3rd party (therapist/councelor) can help pinpoint where the problem is and help you work it out together. If the man is prone to cheat and has cheated before (or you knew he cheated before the marraige), then there is no excuse. Divorce him and find a new man who will treat you right.

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Love isn't a choice, it's just what we feel. It wasnt his fault if he fell in love, but it is his fault if he does something about it.

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16y ago

Because he is an immature imbecile.

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Q: Why would a man stay in a loveless marriage if he's in love with another woman?
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How to use the term 'loveless' in a sentence?

The word loveless is an adjective, meaning without love. An example of a sentence using loveless would be, "After many years of loveless marriage, the couple was finally divorced."

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I would say you have basically answered your own question. Re-read what you wrote. love or loveless?

Why would a man stay in a loveless marriage if he's in love with another women?

well that's entirely up to the individual, in my personal opinion he should not stay in a loveless marriage but it depends on the consequences... if there are children involved or financial implications or maybe the thought of being alone keeps him in a marriage.

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Some people seem to forget when they take their marriage vows that it a marriage between two people and a monogamous relationship. There are many people who have different ways of what they think is 'spicing up' their marriage (one having another couple for sexual relationships or inviting another man or woman into the marriage bed), but it doesn't make it right. A mature couple would try to work out their marriage problems and if you want to spice up your sexual relationship then try spicing it up with your mate. Seeing a marriage counselor is a wise decision to make.

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The conflict is that the woman had fairytale expectations of what married life would be--but finds herself in a loveless marriage, unable to achieve self-actualization like her artistic, carefree (and lazy) husband, and finds herself in an never-ending rut of cleaning dishes and dusting furniture as society expected a woman (Rich wrote this in 1951) to do.

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She would have to talk to him about their marriage and whether or not they should stay married.

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You tell him absolutely NO! A marriage is between two people, and does not include a third party. If he truly loves you, then he wouldn't ask this of you. Ask him how he would feel if you wanted to be with another man? If he says he wouldn't like it, then that says he has double standards. But that's not the way a marriage works. You need to have a serious talk with him and ask him why he wants another woman. Is he not satisfied with your sex life? Or does he just want variety? I would let him know he cannot have you AND another woman - he can have you OR another woman. I would also seriously suggest counseling. And you need to think long and hard about what you would do if he did decide to be with another woman. Would you accept it and stay with him? I hope not, because no woman deserves to be treated that way. But only you can decide what's best for you and your situation, but you do need to tell him you are not going to accept it if that's the way you feel. And I sincerely hope that is the way you feel. You deserve much better than that.

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Yes. If you can prove he had an affair and had an affair with another man, then you have grounds for divorce just like if the man was cheating with another woman. Unless of course it's a "gay" marriage, then I think that would defeat the purpose don't you. The same above would also apply if the spouse is female and is cheating on the man with another woman.

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its not illegal.... its just not right.

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