

Best Answer
  • Because she probably puts up with his bad behavior over and over again. She is probably insecure and needy and the narcissist knows he can get away with anything with her.
  • Because they are just looking for a narcissistic supply, not really love. They don't even know what love is; they think love is some kind of a status symbol, or a social standing.
  • Everyone has a reason for doing the things they do if you want to dig deep enough. Some people love to argue with each other, others love drama in their lives constantly. Some people love to mentally self mutilate. Many people don't believe they deserve anything better and there are those that are really into the "pity party" and tell their friends how terrible their lives are. We have total control over ourselves and our own actions. As twisted as it may seem he obviously loves his wife.
  • Narcissists do not love anyone. They are not capable of it. One may continue to return to an ex because that person is a reliable source of narcissistic supply. So, when another source fails to come through, he can go back to his reliable old source and get recharged. It's using the person again and again. There's no love there.
  • To the narcissist the intense emotions of love are scary and considered a threat. Therefore they seek to destroy that so called source of threat. A N will act like he/she loves you but always with it in the back of their mind that they will have to punish you eventually or tear the rug out from under as you now have too much power being the victim.
  • Although it appears they only love themselves re their actions, they do sometimes love the person they are with, but are too full of pride and egotistical self indulgence to let them know.
  • Unfortunately, there's no "proof" of anything--even whether the sun will rise tomorrow. Psychiatry, like other sciences, make statements based on the evidence apparent so far; and the evidence apparent so far is that people with NPD do not experience love in the same way that someone without NPD does. If enough evidence surfaces to contradict that finding, the finding will change.
Iwould like to comment on the answer.

The answer was well put. i did not know what a narcissist was until i read the question.
i know a narcissist, but i could not give them a word a name and this is the word.

Now, i know what i am dealing with. The answer described the person to a "t".
Thank you for a great answer!
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Q: Why would a narcissist keep going back to the same woman if he does not love her?
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Why would you WANT to go back? Narcissists will make up stuff to blame you with just to get out of the relationship. They NEVER take responsibility. Do NOT go back. Institute NO CONTACT and run!

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Yes. So what? They need to be held accountable!

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well yeah. but it matters. how did you lose them?

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A narcissist will go wherever he can get the most attention, money, sex, housing, etc. Looks often don't matter as much he says they do. Be glad he's gone. I know they don't matter. Money is his thing. He left me after I broke up with him and took him back. Now he is with a unattractive, overweight woman who has money. I still cant believe how he devalued. I guess my sex can't pay his bills.

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A narcissist would not want help because he or she would not think there was anything wrong. Therefore, you can't help a narcissist; even when a narcissist is court ordered into therapy, there is little a professional can do to help a person change this personality type.

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If he was a narcissist, then nothing you did could ever be a good as he knew he "deserved." So he looked elsewhere, which he'll probably keep doing for the rest of his life, no matter how well the woman he's with treats him.He wanted something other than what he got from you. I think it's the same answer regardless of his psychiatric diagnosis, if any. It would be harder to please a narcissist than the average person. The person trying to please a narcissist wouldn't get empathy back, among other things, so it might be for the best to have a narcissist leave you. But I don't think the trigger for that happening is much different than any other relationship.

Why does the narcissist keep coming back?

He came to look in your mirror.

If a narcissist ignores you what should you do?

You should ignore them back and be thankful you are not in their circle of victims. Get on with your life and don't fret over not getting attention from a narcissist.

I am going to the backseat of my car with the woman I love and I won't be back?

Good Luck

Can ex make you a narcissist?

You can become narcissistic afterwards, but you will not turn into a true narcissist. Stay away from him and go back to your family and hang around them for a while.

Is it common for a narcissist to disown a child?

Unfortunately, I would say it is more common for a child to work hard to try to please the narcissistic parent, sacrificing their own dreams, development and dignity in the process. The most likely reason I can see that a narcissist would disown a child would be that the child has decided to take a stand for him/herself. If a child insists on being an independent person who will not pander to the childish needs of the narcissist, then the narcissist will fight to win them back or disown them. In this case, the narcissist will always be looking for the opportunity for the child to come crawling back and give the parent the idolization the parent "deserves." Of course, there can be many other situations, other factors, and other outcomes. You have to objectively view the factors in your situation before coming to any real conclusions. Best of luck!