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As the Roman Republic (and later Empire) developed, tours of duty in the army lasted up to 20 years. One was constantly marching with many kilograms of gear to carry, rarely settling in a comfortable camp or city for the night, and forever fighting for your life in gruesome melée warfare. One was also underpaid to encourage looting.

But this was only during the late republic and early principate. The long marches all but stopped during the Pax Romana and permanent forts were built. The army was mostly used for police and building work for most of the time. There have been reports of some legionaries never seeing a battle in their 20 years of service.

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Farming was difficult because everything was manual labor - there were no tractors or combines to pull a plow or harvest the crop. Also, there were no artificial pesticides to keep bugs down, no herbicides to kill weeds (they were pulled by hand), no fertilizers to boost production (manure would be spread by hand), etc.

It was very labor intensive; this type of farming is still practiced in much of Africa and rural South America.

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Q: Why would life be hard as a soldier in the roman army?
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How easy was it to be a soldier in the Roman army?

A soldier in the ancient Roman military had to work hard. The Roman military system was built on constant maneuvers, long marches, strict discipline, and becoming used to relentless battles and wars. As ancient Rome was almost constantly at war, or engulfed in civil wars, a Roman soldier was constantly being put to the test.

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To join the Roman army a man had to physically fit. The Romans preferred to recruit country men as opposed to the "city boys" who were considered too soft and not used to hard work. A man also had to be mentally fit and willing to obey orders. He also had to be freeborn. That's about all the qualifications needed.

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What are the conditions of being in the roman army?

Death, No privacy, Training 24/7, Wiping yourself with a sponge on a stick, sleeping on hard metal beds.

Did different roman soldier armys have different coulers to reusent them?

You need to rewrite your question because your spelling mistakes make it very hard to understand.

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