

Why would questions be deleted?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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Wiki User

17y ago

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Questions are rarely deleted. Generally, questions are only deleted for these reasons: * They are considered spam or vandalism. * They are completely unanswerable or unintelligible. However, questions might seem to "disappear" for other reasons, including: * If a question was asked before, with a slightly different wording, it may be merged into the other question. * Many questions are edited. The mission of WikiAnswers is to grow simple, universal "FAQ-style" questions and answers. Questions are often changed to improve spelling or grammar, or to make them more concise. For example, this question was asked as "If it is possible to delete a question posted by another person why would someone do that Kinda rude don't ya think They usually do it anonymously coward maybe?" It was simplified. * Many questions are moved. We want questions to be in the most appropriate Topic areas. For example, this question was originally placed in the Miscellaneous Topic but it was moved to the WikiAnswers Topic.

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If by deleted you mean trashed, users do not have access to view trashed questions. Only Supervisors and higher can view them.

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Questions about Islam are not deleted on WikiAnswers unless they are deemed inappropriate. If you believe you asked a question that should not of been deleted it is advised you email: to appeal the deletion.

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No they are not.

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Punctuation and capitalization are typically removed to ensure a consistent formatting style in responses and maintain a clean and readable output. This simplifies the text and helps the conversation flow smoothly without distractions.

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They break the rules.

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Yes questions can be taken off WikiAnswers. The only reason they would be taken off Answers is if they were nonsense, did not have enough info to answer, were illegal, or inappropriate. You can always flag a question for review if you believe it should be deleted.

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The questions are either deleted, moved to a catch-all category, or edited and reentered into the community.

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No, The questions under uncategorized are where questions go if someone does not know what categorize to put them in and eventually they will go into the proper categories.

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Questions on WikiAnswers can not be deleted by regular contributors. Supervisors can trash questions into a catchall category, but only advanced supervisors can permanently delete questions off the site.

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This question has been set up as a merge point for test questions that have been copied and pasted to WikiAnswers.

How can you remove posted questions from your contributions?

At the moment there is no way for contributors to remove their own questions. If you want your question deleted, please contact a Supervisor.