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The Bill of Rights doesn't allow the constitution to survive, but the ability to make changes or amendments to the constitution allows it to grow and change with time.

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Q: Why would the bill of rights would help the constitution survive overtime?
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Would the constitution survive without the amendment system?

no you wouldn't you couldn't because if there were no amendments there would be no rights for the citizens. if there is no rights for the citizens, people would be not allowed freedom of speech or religion and also the country would almost be like a dictatorship.

Did Article 1 of the constitution come before or after the Bill of Rights?

The Constitution itself was ratified in 1787. The Bill of Rights, the 1st ten amendments to the Constitution, was added to the Constitution in 1789.

Name of the rights given to the state by the constitution?

Those would be state's rights .

What did the Federalists hope the new Constitution would give to the country?

The federalists hoped that the Constitution would provide rights for people. The anti-federalists opposed the Constitution because it didn't include a bill of rights.

Why did the bill of rights included in the constitution?

To protect our individual liberties/rights!! That was the only way antifederalists would approve of the Constitution! Hope I helped! :)

Can the Constitution be amended to remove unalienable rights?

No because, because aliens don't exist. Plus if they exist they would want aliens to have rights and humans to have rights so it is fair the constitution is about fairness. Or they would do experiments on them.

What events or law brought about the creation of the amendments?

Some of the framers of the Constitution wanted a section added to the Constitution to spell out the rights of the people. It was decided that the constitution would be sent to the states for ratification, and as soon as ratified, the Bill of Rights would be added to the Constitution.

What did people want before they would accept the constitution?

a Bill of Rights

What did the Bill of Rights add to the constitution?

They added the bill of rights to make sure the rights of citizens would be safe.

Does the US Constitution include the Bill of Rights?

A bill of rights was not included in the Constitution because most of those who wrote it did not think one was needed. What we now call the Bill of Rights was added as the first ten amendments to the constitution because the States would not ratify the Constitution without a promise that such a Bill would be added.

What did the anti federalists insist on before they would ratify the constitution?

The Bill of Rights

Why was the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution?

To guarantee that the national government would not violate the rights of the people