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According to classical mechanics it is because the all have the same polarity of electric charge and so repel each other and thus spread out as far as they can while remaining bound by the opposite charge on the nucleus.

According to quantum mechanics one must also consider that electrons have no well defined position, but each is in some sense smeared out everywhere within its orbital all the time.

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2w ago

Electrons exhibit a wave-like behavior due to their quantum nature, leading to their distribution around the nucleus. The Pauli exclusion principle also plays a role, preventing electrons with the same spin from occupying the same space, causing them to spread out. Additionally, the electrostatic repulsion between negatively charged electrons causes them to stay at a distance from each other.

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Q: Why would the electrons spread out around the atom instead of bunching up?
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What is the volume of an atom filled with?

An atom is mostly empty space, with a tiny nucleus at its center and even smaller electrons orbiting around it. The volume of an atom is therefore mostly occupied by this empty space, with the nucleus and electrons occupying a very small portion of it.

In which direction does the electron rotate around the nucleus in an atom?

Electrons move around the nucleus in an atom in various directions. According to quantum mechanics, the movement of electrons is more accurately described as "orbitals" where electron density is spread out rather than a distinct path or rotation.

What structure does an metallic bond have?

In a metallic bond, metal atoms share their outer electrons with surrounding metal atoms, forming a "sea of delocalized electrons." This electron cloud holds the metal atoms together in a lattice structure, allowing for properties like electrical conductivity and malleability.

Why electrons revolve around around nucleus?

Electrons revolve around the nucleus of an atom due to the attractive force of the positively charged protons in the nucleus. This force of attraction, along with the movement of electrons, creates a balance of forces that results in electrons orbiting the nucleus in specific energy levels or orbitals.

What is the bond angle of a tetrahedral molecule?

The bond angle of a tetrahedral molecule is approximately 109.5 degrees. This angle is due to the arrangement of four bonding pairs of electrons around the central atom, which causes the bonds to spread out as far apart as possible to minimize repulsion.

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An atom is mostly empty space, with a tiny nucleus at its center and even smaller electrons orbiting around it. The volume of an atom is therefore mostly occupied by this empty space, with the nucleus and electrons occupying a very small portion of it.

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Is negative charge spread equally over the atom?

Only electrons are negative particles.

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Electrons move around the nucleus in an atom in various directions. According to quantum mechanics, the movement of electrons is more accurately described as "orbitals" where electron density is spread out rather than a distinct path or rotation.

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