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Q: Why would you expect sodium to react strongly with chlorine what would you loose?
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In soduim chloride does chlorine gain or loose an electron?

in sodium chloride chlorine gains an electron and the bond formed between then is ionic.

What would happen is a positively charged sodium ion and a negatively charged chlorine ion came into contact?

they will loose electrons

How will sodium and chlorine become stable?

Sodiumbeing in group 1 needs to loose 1e- to become stable. Chlorine being from group 17 needs to gain 1e- to become stable. Sodium gives its extra electronto the chlorine atom. Now both have 8 electrons in their valence and are stable. The sodium gets a positive charge because it lost and electron. The chlorine gets a negative charge because it gained an electron.This creates an ionic bond

Why is sodium a very reactive metal and chlorine is a very reactive nonmetal?

sodium has in his orbits or shell 2,8,1 so it is easier for it to loose this electron to reach his stability form and for that it is very reactive with most of the chemical elements otherwise the chlorine is very active specifically with Oxygen O2 which transform it to chlorites, chlorates, and perchlorate

How many electrons does chlorine gain or loose?

0 he has glasses

What will Chlorine loose or gain when it forms an Ion?

Chlorine will gain one electron in order to establish a full outer shell of electrons. Chlorine atoms have 7 valence electrons, but with one extra electron, it can establish a stable octet.

When to add chlorine to the pool?

Testing kits are available to indicate when this is required. the best time of day to do this is in the evening as the nigh with no sunlight will not loose you as much chlorine until the next day.

What is the valency of an element with example?

== == The valency of an element is the measure of electrons it needs or needs to loose to obtain a stable structure (a noble gas structure, such as helium, neon, argon ...) for example in NaCl, sodium has 11 electrons which means 1 valence electron, chlorine has 17 electrons which means it has -1 valence electrons; so sodium looses 1 electron and chlorine gains that electron so sodium ends up with 10 electrons (Neon's electron structure) and chlorine ends up with 18 electrons (Argon's electron structure) the number of outer electrons. Noble elements are the most stable elements (thats why they don't react well and stay alone, like helium) so all the other elements try to obtain the noble electron structure. Elements usually gain or loose 4 electrons.

What solution that can use during tracheal suctioning to loose the secretion?

sodium bicarb or normal saline

What would you expect to find in a caddy?

Tea leaves. Loose tea is stored in a tea-caddy.

How many liters of water can an athlete lose by sweating?

An athelate can loose water by sweating is 1 liter/hour. Along with that he will loose about 3 grams of sodium chloride/hour.

Why is sodium electropositive?

Sodium is electropositive because its atomic configuration is (2,8,1). In order to be octate it should loose its last electrone from last orbit to another elements 0r atom.