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It could mean a few things. As always you should consult your OB on this issue. However, I know of a few things that can alter your cycle.

1. Changes in sexual activity can affect your cycle.

2. If you recently started Birth Control pills, or you recently switched them, this could also be the cause. Your body is adjusting to the hormones.

3. Your hormones will be changing throughout your life, and especially will fluctuate with certain big events and a wedding, honeymoon, moving, children, buying a house, getting a degree, losing someone close to you, money problmes....etc....

While your doctor and some uninformed people may tell you your cycle should be 28 days, every woman is different. Some have "normal" 23 day cycles, some have "normal" 35-day cycles. The real cause for concern should not be longer or shorter cycles, but whether you have other signs of problems. Are you ovulating? Do you get good cervical mucus mid-way through your cycle? Do you have severe cramps? Do you have super long periods or mid-cycle spotting? If you have other signs something is wrong, or are trying unsuccessfully to get pregnant, see your doctor. Otherwise, wait a few cycles and see if it evens out. Body imbalances (poor health, being overweight, smoking or drinking) can wreak havoc on your cycle as well.

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Pre-menopause or menopause, and ask your Dr about using birth control, to stop your monthly cycles. If that doesn't work you can always ask about a partial hysterectomy.

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Is it bad to have your menstrual cycle longer then 4days?

No, it isn't bad to have your menstrual cycle longer than 4 days. The term menstrual cycle means the reproductive cycle, which is typically 28 days long. If you mean menstruation then this is normally between 5-7 days long but a little shorter is fine too.

Is it normal to have a 40 day menstrual cycle?

Yes, it is perfectly normal for you to have a 40 day menstrual cycle. The typical menstrual cycle is 28 days but everyone is different so your cycles may be longer, also some cycles will be a few days longer or there can be reasons for delayed menstruation.

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Yes, a 45 day cycle is still considered normal. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days but everyone is different and as such a longer cycle is perfectly normal.

What is the usual length of the menstrual cycle?

The typical menstrual cycle is around 28 days in length, but this varies from person to person so it can be longer or shorter. It's also normal for there to be up to a weeks variation from the average menstrual cycle.

How many does are in a normal menstrual cycle?

3-7, but definitely no longer than that. I would suggest taking Yaz birth control if your cycle is lasting longer than four days; it minimizes it drastically.

How often should your menstrual cycle be when your not on birth control pills?

The average menstrual cycle length is 28 days - but everyone is different. As a note while on birth control pills you don't have a menstrual cycle, the pill works by suppressing your menstrual cycles so you no longer ovulate.

Early menstrual cycle mean pregnancy?

If you were pregnant then you'd no longer have a menstrual cycle, if you don't understand that then you should in no way be having sex or sexually active to risk pregnancy. The menstrual cycle is your body preparing for possible pregnancy, when pregnant the cycle is shut down.

What occurs on the 14 day of the menstrual cycle?

Typically on day 14 of the menstrual cycle is when ovulation occurs - when an egg is released from the ovary. However everyone's menstrual cycles are different, if the cycle is longer it's likely ovulation occurs far later in the cycle than this.

What does it mean if your menstrual cycle is more than 35 days?

It simply means that you have a 35 day menstrual cycle, nothing more than that. The typical menstrual cycle is 28 days but everyone is different so some women have longer cycles.

How long does the menstrual cycle last if fertilization does not take place?

The menstrual cycle typically lasts 28 days - but everyone's cycle is different. If fertilization does take place then there is no menstrual cycle, this would continue into pregnancy.

What day of the menstrual cycle does a woman have her period?

Menstrual period refers to menstruation or your period, which is the start of your menstrual cycle. If you're referring to mid-cycle then midway through the menstrual cycle is typically when a woman would ovulate.

Is a menstrual cycle of 33 days OK?

Yes, having a menstrual cycle of 33 days is completely okay. The average menstrual cycle is 28 days, this is only a few days longer than that so still well within normal range.