

Why you change jobs soo frequently?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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I work part time jobs,God knows theres enough of them out there.

After being employed for 11 years on same job,24/7 ,no recognition,having a coordinator who was an abuser,it wasnt worth it.

Utilizing Craigslist has been profitable for me.It gives me the oppurtunity to be all over the vally,meeting people I would have never met and ,as a rule,setting what I get paid.

There was an article,about 2 years ago on net about the pros and cons of being a job hopper.They believed it was good,mentally,for some and gave 1 the oppurtunity to gather all kinds of experience.

My opinion:

Why get stuck 40-50 hrs a week in an no going place position.

I will never work corporate again.I come from owning a business,a car crash ended that,just when the Drs.told me I wouldn't work again ,I proved them wrong.

When I got back into the work fiels as an employee,I could not believe the low pay,the way employees were and are treated and how unappreciative ,some,employers can be.Today,I feel free,im home every evening,my bills are paid and have met some amazing people.

Change jobs,be a job hopper,its no biggy,as long as your bills are paid and your doing an honest days work,BE HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!

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