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Q: Will 25 mg of benadryl kill a dog?
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Is Benadryl 25 mg safe for dogs?

This will depend upon the size of the dog and the exact formulation of Benadryl you are asking about.

How many mg in benadryl allergy tab?

Benadryl tablets usually contain 25mg of Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride, though the dosage should be on the back of the bottle.

How much benadryl should you give your 8 pound dog in teaspoons I don't have a mg measuring device?

an 8 lb. dog needs 16 mg of Benadryl, so you can give it one teaspoon ofchildren's benadryl which has 12.5 mg. make sure it is regular benadryl and doesn't contain acetaminophen (to check, look at the active ingredients in the box or bottle).

How much benadryl do you give a dog with a snake bite?

1 mg per kilogram ( about 2 mg per pound).

How much pill form benadryl can a 15lb dog get?

You shouldn't give an animal liquid benadryl. The liquid formula has too much alcohol in it and could cause alcohol poisoning. The dose for benadryl tablets is 1 mg per pound three times a day. Generally benadryl comes in 25 mg tablets , so you can cut one in half for your dog. It generally does only a fair job for itching in dogs. If the problem persists make and appointment with your vet.

What if your dog ate an Ambien pill?

Benadryl is safe to use in dogs up to 1 mg per pound (so a 25 mg tablet is safe for a dog that weighs up to 25 pounds). But if the label has the words "Sinus" or "Headache" on it, it could also contain a decongestant or acetaminophen, both of which can be toxic to dogs.

How many benadryl 25 mg tablets can you give your 30lb dalmatian?

Dogs can be given one milligram for every pound of weight, of regular strength Benadryl every 8-12 hours. For a 30 pound dog, you can try one 25mg tablet twice a day, to see if the slightly lower dose controls your dog's symptoms. You could also use Children's liquid regular strength Benadryl. Notice I say "children's", regular liquid Benadryl! Regualr liquid Benadry has too high an alcohol content to be safely used for animals.

You have to give your dog 1 ml per lb and the Benadryl pill is 25 mg how much do you give a 15 lb dog?

Is this under a vets supervision? I would call the has prescribed 2x 5mg tablets twice a day for a bichon frize 6.4kilo.

How much benadryl can you give a 7 pound dog?

This question should be asked of your veterinarian - you can probably call over to the clinic and ask rather than make an appointment. Unfortunately, trying to get human formulations of diphenhydramine (the drug in Benadryl) into a small enough dosage to be safe for a six pound dog is very difficult.

How much Benadryl can you give a pug?

The dose for a Pomeranian adult dog is 1mg per pound. Hide it in a treat such as a Pupperony or her/his favorite treat. Effects should take place within 30 minutes. Feed only in true pill form. liquid gel caps and liquid/kids Bennadryl has alcohol and sugars that are harmful to your dog. Bennadryl usually comes in 25 mg tablets so this would be ideal for a 25 pound dog. 12 mg for a 12 pound dog (half a pill) etc.

Can you take Benadryl 25 mg after taking Allegra 180 mg this morning?

The active ingredients of Allegra and Benadryl are different and do not react with each other. Therefore, it is possible to take both. Do be aware, however, that this combination may increase the side effect of drowsiness.