

Best Answer
  • Bullying or Cyber Bullying cannot be stopped 100% thanks to man inventing more and more advanced technology, but the percentage will lower a great deal now that some students in some school are forming programs to protect the victims of bullying; parents; teachers; the police and society as a whole are much more proactive and demanding better laws once bullies are caught red-handed.
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Q: Will Bullying or Cyber Bullying ever stop in this World?
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Does killing yourself slove the answer from Bullying or Cyber Bullying?

No, killing yourself does not resolve the answer regarding bullying or cyber bullying. What does resolve the problem is the victim telling a school counselor; Pastor or parents. Victims of bullying should learn off the web that some schools in the United States and Canada have students that have set up programs to protect the victims from bullying; teachers; parents and the police are becoming much more proactive to stop bullying. Laws are being forced to change and bullies will soon be facing charges (even though minors) for their bullying tactics. Police in many cities are setting up task forces to catch cyber bullies and because of the high rate of suicides by especially teen victims of bullying laws are going to be tougher and bullies are going to get what they deserve. Example: New Jersey has a 'no tolerance level for bullying' and the laws are harsh and other cities are picking up the pace because of this. It is important for YOU to remember this ... although you may feel alone; depressed and feel there is no end to what you are going through there is an end. Talk to someone! Realize the amount of students in your entire school and that there are only a handful of bullies. Study different students in your school (you certainly aren't the only one being bullied) and make friends with those that are being bullied. All the students in your school are not bullies so try to fit in where you can with them. Also an important factor is if you do the things above to lessen your pain and loneliness you will get through school; get a job and the bullying you experienced will be but a mild memory and you will become a well adjusted young adult with a good future. Killing yourself will only leave pain for your family and friends and the bully will only win. You are better than that and you are loved so stand strong and get that help.

What would happen if the Victim kills themselves from Bullying or Cyber-Bullying?

Very little would happen unless the victim belonged to a politically correct group. A few people might shed tears for a few minutes, and then it would be back to business (or bullying) as usual. The bullies would gloat and any oppressive system that helped cause the bullying will actually become more oppressive. If the victim was part of a protected group, school admins, police, and owners of websites will simply come up with more oppressive policies and use bullying as an excuse or means to bully, as ironic as it is. The bottom line is don't kill yourself because very few would care, and that is being blunt. You do more to hurt bullies by staying alive and not letting them drive you to suicide. Someone has to be strong enough to put a stop to it. The system will most likely fail you - and partially because of the policies they enact to "help" you, so you have to rely on your strength and your friends.

Does numbers ever stop?


What happens after death if someone kills themselves from Bullying or Cyber Bullying?

If you are a Christian then suicide is suppose to be a sin. If you are of no faith there is no answer to be had once someone has died. Most people often wonder where they will actually go once they die from either a terminal illness; accident or old age. Killing oneself is not the answer to get even with bullies because bullies have no morals; they probably wouldn't care, but your family and other friends would go through hell missing that person and it is important for that victim of bullying to realize that they are much loved by family and friends even if they don't feel like they are loved. It is important to talk to someone such as a school counselor; Pastor; parents or trusted friend. More and more States in the United States and Provinces in Canada are putting programs together (involving the police) to stop any type of bullying. Some schools in the United States and Canada have the good students starting programs to protect victims of bullying. Bullying is the number one topic even in the media and more and more people are become more proactive to protect the victims of bullying and also to change the laws that bullies who are minors can be charged and pay for any psychological or physical damage to a victim of bullying and also be responsible for the death of a victim of bullying. If someone kills themselves over bullying then they are letting the bully win. It is important for the victim of bullying to realize much more is being done to help and the victim has to only reach out and touch someone for help. Once through school and the victim is no longer a minor the memories of being bullied will fade and that person will have a good life syle and be stronger for surviving the bullying.

How do you get rid of math?

You have to go back in time and stop yourself from ever being born.

Related questions

Can Cyber Bullying ever stop?

Yes it can if we all try

Why is cyber bullying so difficult to stop?

Cyber bullying is difficult to stop because may times it is done anonymously. The victim wants for the bullying to stop but want to continue using the site. A good way to stop cyber bullying is to use the block function that is found on many sites. On most sites there is also a report user function that may get the user deleted from the site.

How do people stop cyber bullying?

people can stop cyber bullying by speaking up and telling someone. they also can speak their minds to the bully and tell them to stop. sometimes you can ignore it but other time you can't take it but stay calm you'll get through it

What can parents do to stop cyber bullying?

They can contact the teachers and see what has been happening to the child online. They can also talk to the person online who is bullying their child.

How can you prevent being a target of cyber bullying?

There aren't necessarily any ways you can "prevent" cyber bullying, but you can stop it when it happens. If you feel as though you or someone you know is being cyber bullied, you should report it to your parents, school administrators, and to the officials of the site on which you are being bullied.

How should we stop cyberbullying?

you can stop cyber- bullying by hanging up posters all around you neighbourhood or doing a campaign for people that are bullied.

In cyber bullying are mobile phones dangerous?

Of course mobile phones are dangerous when it comes to cyber bulling. The best way to stop mobile phone bullying is to use mobile phone jammer

What should you do if you are cyber bully?

Stop bullying, of course. Try to displace your urge to bully to different ways. Keep busy.

How can cyber bullying be resolved?

There is nothing that can be done to stop it completely. Make sure that any cyberbullying is reported to the contacts on whatever site it appears on. Ignore any bullying that is sent to you. Do not answer it. Tell parents of any bullying against you.

Does the first amendment protect cyber bullying?

Of course not, Freedom of speech is one thing but using it to cause misery to another being is both sadistic and foolish. You may well get sued or put in the jailhouse if the bully'd chose to press charges.

What do the laws say about bullying?

Laws try and try to stop bullying. and there exists many sorts of bullying such as: -school bullying -cyber bullying -sexually bullying ... if you watch the movie "Cyberbully", you"ll see at the end that the USA government stops cyberbullying. In canada, i do not know much about bullying. thats all i know, sorry... but you can get more info online!

Is there any US legislation to help curb cyber bullying?

Yes their are laws that try to stop cyberbullies and scare people to not cyberbully anymore