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No, you won't be in an abusive relationship, if you chose to be single forever (meaning the walking on eggshells, fighting and arguing, physical and verbal abuse, etc. has been foiled and it won't happen).

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Q: Will I be in an abusive relationship if I chose to be single forever?
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==One thing at a time== If your husband is truly abusive (you're not just looking for an excuse to wander), then you need to get out of the relationship, and fast! Once you have removed yourself from the abusive relationship, and have a chance to reflect on the reasons you chose a man like that, and also the reasons for remaining in the relationship once you found out that he was abusive, then...and only then, you should feel free to look for, and engage in, other relationships. If your old boyfriend truly cares about you, he will understand and give you the space you need to work through your present problems. Good luck. Bugger off with the old flame if you've got any sense.

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You didn't list any levels to chose from.