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No they do not sense infections in their victims. Mosquitoes are capable of catching some diseases from humans, like a staph or strep infection, but they are mostly carriers only. They are known around the world as carriers for the disease malaria. But they are not capable of transmitting HIV from one person to another. The West Nile Virus is being spread by them and is one of the dangerous diseases in the world now.

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Q: Will a mosquito bite someone with a blood disease or can they sense that the blood is not healthy?
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How do mosquito spread dengue fever?

they suck a person blood who is infected and then bite someone who is healthy

What is the mosquito?

The mosquito is a flying insect. The female need to drink blood to develop her eggs. But, while drinking blood, the disease of malaria can be transmitted from the mosquito to humans.

How does a mosquito act as a vector for malaria parasites?

Malaria is transmitted by the bite of an infected female Anopheles mosquito. This bite introduces the parasites from the mosquito's saliva into a person's blood. The parasites then travel to the liver where they mature and reproduce.

How does someone have the dengue virus in their blood if they have not been bitten by Aedes mosquito?

Other than being bitten by an Aedes mosquito, someone can get the dengue virus in their blood through contamination.

How the tiny mosquito can kill you?

If the mosquito is carrying a disease (which it can) when it bites you, i could inject it into your blood, and you get sick and could die Ex: malaria (yellow fever), lyme disease and so on

What is the role of the mosquito as a vector?

A person or an animal has a blood borne disease such as malaria or yellow fever. For that disease to get to another person, it has to move to the other person's blood stream. How will it do it? A cold infects your nose. When you sneeze, someone else breathes that air and catches your cold. Flu infects your throat. When you cough, someone else breaches that air and catches your flu. People do not normally breathe your blood. There is a little animal called a female mosquito that eats your blood. Then it eats someone else's blood. Now if you have a blood borne disease it will go into the mosquito when it eats your blood. Malaria then becomes part of the mosquitoes saliva. Its saliva acts like drilling fluid. The mosquito uses it to drill through your skin. (Oil field workers use drilling fluid to drill oil wells.) The disease gets into the new person. The vector was the item, in this case the animal or mosquito that carried the disease from one person to the other.

How do people contract malaria?

The main way that people contract malaria is by mosquito bites. A mosquito that is infected with malaria bites someone/ sucks their blood. And the malaria wich is probably a virus or bacteria is going throughout the blood stream multipying and infecting healthy blood cells giving the victom malaria

If you squash a mosquito it leaves a red mark .why?

If a mosquito has recently had a feed then it will be full of somebody's blood, that is what you see when you squash the mosquito, blood.

What is malaria caused by that is transferred to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito?

the female mosquito transfer malaria by its saliva into blood of human , which causes break down of RBCs

Can you kiss someone with anemia?

Yes, anemia does not affect a person's ability to kiss someone. Anemia is a condition where there is a lack of healthy red blood cells in the body, it is not a contagious disease.

What eat mosquito?

mosquito sucks the blood

Can the blood from a squashed mosquito on your hand transferred to your mouth cause painful lesions on your tongue?

If the blood was infected with a disease and you put it into your mouth, yes you could have contracted some sort of disease from licking blood. You should see a doctor to see what the lesions are from.