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Q: Will a regular Fallout 3 disc work with the expansion map pack disc from the Fallout 3 GOTY edition?
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When fallout 3 goty edition is released with all the dlc will they be able to save to your xbox 360 hdd and then your friends xbox 360?

no even if you install the goty edition of fallout the disc will still be needed to play them.

When is mothership zeta coming out on CD?

Mothership Zeta is not coming out on CD, however, it will be packaged with the Fallout 3 GOTY edition which comes out in the fall of 2009. The GOTY edition will include Fallout 3 and all DLC in one package.

Do you have to download the DLC on the Fallout 3 GOTY edition?

No the GOTY Edition includes them. Here's a quote from related link "The Game of the Year Edition, which includes the original Fallout 3 game as well as all 5 of the downloadable content packs, was released on October 13, 2009 in North America and October 16, 2009 in Europe"

Where do you go to to play Fallout 3 for PC?

You have to but the PC version of Fallout 3 from a store such as Walmart, Gamestop or any other store that would sell the games. If you get the regular version of Fallout 3 you would have to buy each expansion pack for your computer and it would just be easier to purchase it in the Fallout 3: Game Of The Year Edition (GOTY). I hope this helped any if anymore Questions regarding certain parts of the game post something on my wall.

Can you use the add-ons for fallout 3 game of the year edition to add them to the normal fallout 3?

The Fallout 3 GOTY edition is basically the normal edition with the downloadable content. I'm pretty sure you have the option to omit and add DLC's, so you should be able to add the extra content with the installer, that is as long as both your version and the GOTY versions are the same (not 100% sure about this). You can patch the game after all is installed and it should work fine.

Can you get fallout 3 GOTY on PC?


Is the shivering isles in the regular oblivion?

Shivering Isles is an expansion pack. It is not included with the original base game, but is included in the GOTY edition or the later re-releases like the 5th anniversary and TES Anthology.

Where is the werewolf in morrowind for the xbox?

Werewolves can be found in Solestheim (The Island that comes with the GOTY((Game Of the Year Edition)) or the Bloodmoon expansion)

How does fallout goty work?

You buy it, then you install it. It comes with all five expansion packs. Broken Steel Operation: Anchorage Mothership Zeta Point Lookout The Pitt

Can you play oblivion game of the year dlc on oblivion platinum hits?

The GOTY edition is just the regular Obivion, but with DLC. So it may be used on the regular Oblivion.

How much data do you need to play Fallout 3?

Fallout 3 GOTY Edition takes up about 8GB. While Fallout 3 itself is about 6GB. I suggest you have at least ~20GB free on your HDD at all times. Otherwise your overall computer performance will take a very heavy hit.

What is the difference between the game of the year edition and the regular edition of Uncharted 2?

GOTY game is different from the original because all of the DLC that came out for the game, or most of it, is all in the disk. So if you had the original and never bought the DLC and something happened to it, and you bought the GOTY edition will have all the DLC. Hope that helped.