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No Way. Sometimes very tame fish will taste your skin/finger. Cichlids are inquisitive creatures and taste things but they are not capable of biting a person.

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Q: Will a semi aggressive cichlid bit you?
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Are veil angelfish aggressive?

Angel Fish are a type of cichlid and are considered semi-aggressive.

What fish could survive with a convict fish?

Convicts are a semi-aggressive to aggressive south American cichlid, and will do well with other mid sized, aggressive south American cichlids. It may also be ok with some African cichlids, for example Yellow Labs and Electric Blue Johanni.

Cichlasoma octofasciatum is the Latin name for a highly aggressive cichlid named for what highly aggressive boxer?

Jack Dempsey

What other Fish can you put in cichlid tank?

other cichlids or other aggressive fish

Can you keep Malawi Cichlid with Gold Barb?

African cichlids are PH 8.2 while babrbs are lower. You could acclimate the barb up or the Malawi down in PH but neither would do as well. Also, African cichlids are very aggressive and the barb, who is semi-aggressive, would probably not survive for long.

Can you mix Convict Cichlid with blood parrot?

convict cichlids are the most aggressive cichlid there is it will fight with all fish convicts an green terror cichlids are the most aggressive cichlids so i would suggest that you not do that if you are about both fish

What fish can share a tank with beta's?

The Betta is a semi-aggressive fish, and I typically keep other semi-aggressive fish with them.. namely, angel fish. They're not getting along.. they're just deterred from attacking each other because they know the other will fight back. DO NOT put any sort of barb in with them.. even though barbs only are considered semi-aggressive, it's a bit of an understatement, and they LOVE nipping at long fins.

What is a semi aggressive fish?

because their dumb

Are angelfish semi-aggressive?

Only when sharks suck there fins within 5.7 seconds of the radius of the tank in the maximum time limits and that's only when they are semi aggressive

What are good tank mates for Pacu?

* Oscars * Cichlids (a green terror cichlid would go great with one) * Parrot fish (that is just as equally large as the Pacu) * Red Tinfoil Barb Fish * Plecos (but has to be plecostumus, the large ones) * Red Hook Silver Dollar Fish There are numerous other aggressive, semi-aggressive freshwater fish that Pacus can be good tank mates with. Ask your local pet shops or aquarium. Make sure the Oscars aren't really aggressive.

Are pilate fish semi aggressive?

I believe that they are indeed aggressive. They tend to hang around with sharks. From what I have read, people can eat them.

Will convics fish kill any other fish in its tank?

Convict Cichlid are quite aggressive and it is not a good idea to mix them with non-Cichlids as they will likely attack and kill them.