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You bet they will! They will use every ploy in the book to keep control of their victim. They will have the victim's head so full of lies about how tough things will be without them (especially financially) that the victim will honestly believe there is no hope of them surviving on their own self esteem.

There is help and it's called the Abused Women's Center in your area. They are there to help and will usually put you in a "Transition House" or "Safe Place" away from your abuser. Councelors will also assist you in court. They often help you find a job and your own place to live. If your can't find your local Abused Women's Center then call "Mental Health" and they will lead you in the right direction.

Good luck! answer Oh yeah they will! My N found me right after a divorce. OK so I was vulnerable. Didn't like being alone...yada yada. The first night I had him over my house I heard him humming the tune "lonely Girl" under his breath. It seemed a little creepy and a tad malicious. What a red flag it shoud have been! many months later and after considerable pain and heartache I have finally dumped him for good. I will always remember that incident and how he had me "pegged" so early on. By the way, I am beginning to enjoy being on my own.

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Q: Will an abuser play on your fear of abandoment?
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What role does fear play in abusive relationships?

The abuser of the victim will first alienate the victim from their family and friends and can even move to another town in some cases. An abuser is sly as a fox and at first often can win over not only the victim with kindness and generosity, but also win over family and friends. However, there are many cases where family and friends can often see right through the abuser even before he segregates his victim. Once the two are alone the changes can come quickly such as verbal abuse (the abuser is inwardly unhappy about their own failures in life and will transfer this onto the victim) and then the physical abuse often comes next. Sometimes the abuser will never apologize to his victim, but many do and continue to promise that they will never do it again, but they do. The abuser is aware they have total control over their victim and if the victim shows any sign of independence or that they are going to leave the relationship this is when the real fear starts because the abuser will instill the fear of either killing their victim; their family or, if there are children the abuser may threaten to harm the children or have the victim believe she will never get her children as she is an unfit mother. The victim is basically brainwashed; lost all confidence in themselves; has been alienated from her family and friends and has nowhere to turn. The fear is real and the threats from the abuser are often real as well.

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fear of love play - Malaxophobia or Sarmassophobia

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What are tips on how to face abuser from childhood?

Show that you have become stronger. Mentality is everything. Dont show that you fear him and confront him calmly. If he shows agression, kick his ass. >:)

Was David Pelzer a child abuser?

No he is not a child abuser.

Why do people stay in abusive relationship?

Several different reasons. One could be because the abuser has such a hold on the abused that they stay because they think that the abuser is the only person that will want them. There is also fear that if the abused left the abuser would hunt them down and make them pay for leaving in the first place. If you asked 10 different abused people why they stay (stayed) in they're abusive relationships I can almost promise you'll get 10 different answers. In some cases the abused person believes that she/he can fix the abuser, or for complex reasons might even feel guilt about leaving the abuser.

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not sure what this means, what is the "first fear"?

How do you reason with an abuser?

Reasoning with an abuser is not something the abused person should probably try. Most abusers are very good at manipulation. If you try to discuss it with them, you may be disappointed and become more hurt and angry. If they are an abuser, they already know it, but do not expect them to admit it.Rather then reason with them, you should talk to someone that you trust about it. It might be hard to admit to someone that you are being abused, but it is better to face your fear by reaching out to someone then continuing to be abused.

Does anyone play FEAR 3 online on Xbox 360?

Yes, there are many people who play FEAR 3 online on Xbox 360.

When was Love Your Abuser created?

Love Your Abuser was created on 2007-01-30.