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Q: Will an officer in the army get in trouble for dating an enlisted Air Force Member even when they arent in the same chain of command?
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When enlisted active duty member become Officers do the years they already served as enlisted count towards their officer pay?

Yes, if you have previously served as enlisted, the years you served will count and be added to your officer pay.

What in the highest non commissioned rank in the army called?

The highest non-commissioned rank in the army is typically called the Command Sergeant Major (CSM). This rank serves as the senior enlisted advisor to the commanding officer and is responsible for the welfare, discipline, and training of enlisted personnel. The CSM is the highest-ranking enlisted member within a unit or battalion.

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What term is used to describe a personal relationship between an officer and an enlisted member that violates the customaryi bounds of acceptable behavior in the Air Force?

Fraternization is used to describe a personal relationship between an officer and an enlisted member that violates the customary bounds of acceptable behavior in the Air Force.

Is it mandatory for an enlisted member to salute a senior enlisted members?

Normally, a salute is given to a senior ranking person who holds a commissioned status, meaning they are an officer, not a non-commissioned officer or petty officer. If military enlisted members go around saluting each other all the time, it would be a little strange, it is not a normal practice or custom.

What term is used to describe a personal relationship between an officer and an enlisted member that violates the customary bounds of acceptable behavior in the Air Force and prejudices good order and?

Fraternization is used to describe a personal relationship between an officer and an enlisted member that violates the customary bounds of acceptable behavior in the Air Force.

If an enlisted person is standing with an officer and another officer of lower rank walks up is the enlisted person required to return the lower ranked officers salute?

It's actually a bit tricky, but no - the enlisted member should salute the approaching officer after the senior officer has returned the junior's salute or as the junior officer approaches, assuming the senior officer diverts attention from the enlisted to return a salute rather than just acknowledge the salute by a nod. The junior will then return the enlisted member's salute after the senior officer has returned the junior's salute, and the enlisted should hold the salute to the junior officer until returned by the junior officer. However, if the enlisted is engaged in conversation with the senior officer, it is disrespectful to divert attention away from a senior officer to an approaching junior officer to salute. When it occurs, it usually it happens simultaneously when the situation warrants. Most senior officers don't like to be interrupted during a formal conversation (and it's disrespectful to do so unless it's warranted), so most avoid the situation altogether. It depends on the setting as well, e.g., formal or informal, indoors (yes, salutes are rendered indoors at certain functions) or outdoors, etc. Most of the time if a senior officer is engaged in conversation with a junior (enlisted or otherwise), unless it's urgent, the officer wishing to speak to the senior will wait until the senior is finished. If just passing by, the junior may salute the senior, at which point the senior may either acknowledge the salute by a nod, or return if appropriate.

Does an officer or enlisted give the first salute?

It depends on the situation. In virtually 99% of all cases, the enlisted member salutes the officer first. However, and though not specifically required by law or military regulation, the only exception is if the enlisted member is a Medal of Honor recipient; in that case, all ranks, junior and senior, are encouraged to salute the MOH recipient first as a matter of respect and courtesy.

Can an officer date an enlisted member?

Absolutely not. It's covered under the fraternisation policy in Article 134, Paragraph 60, of the Uniformed Code of Military Justice. It depends, if you are Marines then no. If you are in any other branch, you might be able to. If the officer you want to date is in your unit or whatever then no because that is fraternisation but if you two are in different units, you can.

What is the definition of an officer in armed forces?

An officer is a member in the armed forces who has been promoted to a rank where they have authority over others. This means they can command those in lesser ranks.

Are Enlisted personnel addressing a member of the officer corp required to use sir or ma'm?

Yes, at least in the Army. It shows respect for the rank of the officer. They are also required to address non-commissioned officers (Sergeants) by their appropriate title.

What is the difference between an enlisted and a commissioned soldier?

A commissioned soldier is an officer - appointed as such because of college education, specialized skills education, and advanced military training. The sources for commissioning are Service Schools (West Point, Annapolis, Air Force Academy, Coast Guard Academy), ROTC, Officer Training School (OCS), or direct commission (doctors, dentists, nurses, chaplains, and some other professionals). An enlisted soldier serves under and for the officers. Their educational and training requirements are not as sophisticated as that for officers. In the Army, for example, the ranks of Private through Command Sergeant Major are all enlisted ranks. Second Lieutenant through General are Officer Ranks. ------------------------- A commissioned officer holds a commission from the government that he serves that grants him the authority to lead troops. In the US system, he is actually a member of the executive branch of government (the oath that a military officer takes and that of government officials except the president are exactly the same). Commissions are for life, or until said officer resigns it. An enlisted person is a military member who has joined the military under a contract of service. Once their contract is up, they have no further obligations to the government.