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Having dealt with this problem in a big way before, I nearly lost the whole side of a basement wall/foundation due to years of pressure from a tree that had beed growing there for some years.

I asked my insurance company, S.... F... , and they informed me that this is a problem that is not covered. It falls under the realm of normal home maintenance. Therefore, had it been pulled out when it was a sapling it would never have become a problem. It did not fall under the unexpected, covered environental disaster or human inflicted damage.

Some other problems that are not covered..: Collapsed Sewer line (though they will cover any damage due to a line that backs up and floods indoors. Termite damage, unless you can prove that due to some type of event such as earthquake or construction or event that drove them from a nearby structure into your home within the previous 2 years. (of course this is very safe for them since the damage will never be noticed until many years have passed).

I will never live in an old house again!

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Q: Will homeowners insurance cover a cracked foundation caused by a tree root?
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Will homeowners insurance cover a cracked foundation caused by an earthquake?

Only if you have earthquake coverage. A regular homeowners policy excludes damage caused by ground movement or earthquakes.

Will homeowners insurance cover damaged the foundation settling caused by drought?

No. Movement of earth is specifically excluded by homeowners insurance. This is the fault of the builder for not compacting the earth properly and providing the proper foundation. Home insurance was not made to cover such.

Will homeowners insurance cover a foundation that is cracking?

No unless the foundation crack was caused by something like an earthquake. Normal wear and tear is not covered.

Does Home Owners Insurance cover foundation repair?

It depends on how the foundation was damaged and whether or not it was done by a covered cause or not. If a vehicle runs off the road and hits your home then it would be . covered whether or not the person had insurance. If the person did not have insurance, your homeowners policy covers damage caused by a vehicle. If the damage was caused by settling of the home and this caused the foundation to crack then no, the homeowner's insurance will not pay for this repair because it was caused by lack of properly putting in the foundation correctly or a lack of maintenance. Maintenance is never covered by your homeowner's insurance policy. Maintenance is the responsibility of the homeowner and it is never ending.

Will homeowners insurance cover slab that has settled and cracked to the extent it has pulled away from the house?

It depends on the specific perils and exclusions of your policy. But generally speaking most insurance policies exclude any damaged caused by settling or earth movement.

Does homeowners insurance cover fire damage caused by a visitor?

Yes, Homeowners insurance typically does provide coverage for losses that result from an accidental fire.

Will home owners insurance cover a cracked sewer line in your foundation?

It may depend on the specific policy. Some home owners insurance policies may cover damage to a cracked sewer line within the foundation if it was caused by a covered peril, such as a sudden burst pipe. However, it's important to review the details of your policy and contact your insurance provider for clarification.

Will homeowners insurance cover damage to personal vehicles at the home caused by someone else?

Homeowners insurance covers what is inside the home. Check your auto insurance for auto damages.

Is scabies covered on homeowners insurance?

Of course not. Scabies is a skin condition caused by a type of mite. There is not way that this would be covered under a homeowners insurance policy

Does home owners insurance cover foundation damage?

Depends on the cause, all homeowners policies require that the loss be caused by a 'covered peril' also must be sudden and accidental not gradual deterioration.

Does my homeowners insurance cover damage to my property caused by tree roots from a neighbor's tree?

Yes, but you would have to pay what your homeowners deductible.

Will homeowners insurance cover a fire loss caused by the homeowner?

Accidental, Yes. Intentional, No