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You MUST seek the advice of a doctor regarding your question. Ordinary people won't answer this question for fear of giving you the wrong information! -Mame-

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Q: Will piercing nipples when there is breast milk get infctied?
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Related questions

Why do pregnant women's nipples hurt?

well it depends.... if the females nipples hurt, that means the breasts are maybe sweling for breast milk flow, or they are uncomfotable. Not all pregnate women have their nipples hurt....

How do you see a girls breast when she is wearing a bra?

Look at her from the side. If your talking about nipples, if she has a padded bra, you cant.

Why does your nipples become sore or sensitive during pregnancy?

They become sore due to the changes going on within your breast - the production of milk.

Can you breast feed with inverted nipples?

Many women who have inverted nipples are still able to breastfeed a child. Due to the fact that a baby does not feed just from the nipple but rather from the breast, it is stated that as long as the baby can get the mouth around the breast rather than just the nipple there should be no problems. It is stated that about 10% of women have this problem.

Can you milk a squirell?

If it has nipples, you can milk it!

Should in between your breast hurt when producing breast milk?

Actual breast nipples are easily infected when nursing-get some medication. Breast soreness between the breasts sounds abnormal or like you are anemic or should be taking a break from it. Ask your doctor right away.

How do you know when my cat has milk in its nipples?

Squeeze on her nipples.

Where does Breast Milk come from?

Breast milk comes from the milk ducts in a female's breast.

What comes out of womans nipples?

Women's nipples can produce breast milk when they have recently given birth or are breastfeeding. It is a natural process controlled by hormones in the body. If you have concerns about nipple discharge, it is important to consult a healthcare provider for evaluation.

Will the unmarried lady will secret milk from her breast?

i am dillip. i married 15 days i know that my wife's have leckage of milk on her breast. that is possible ya not possible. i know that a lady after pregnancy can give her milk but now i didnot understand that is possible

Breast size hasn't changed all pregnancy will I still be able to breastfeed?

Breast-feeding is highly recommended. The "sucking" of the infant on the nipples alters the physiology of milk production. In this case, size doesn't matter.

How do you get milk from breast of ladies?

She has to have given birth for her to be able to. Otherwise, it is impossible She has to have given birth for her to be able to. Otherwise, it is impossible