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Q: Will taking Finesteride help to shrink your testes?
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You wash them in hot water then put them in the dryer at the hottest setting. To help them shrink also put some towels and other stuff you need to dry so you can help them shrink better.

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Take them to a instituion or take them to a shrink

What regulates the production of sperm?

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) causes the Sertoli cells of the testes (which help nurse developing sperm cells). This begins the process of spermatogenesis in the testes.

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if you see a shrink, they will most likely be able to help you.

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Creatine does not shrink your testicles. Creatine is simply a protein and sometimes it is used to build muscles or help people gain weight.

How does the pampiniform plexus surrounding the testicular artery help maintain temperature homeostasis of the testes?

how am i supposed to know? i am not a genius. that is why i was looking for the answer myself.

Will eating foods that help increase testosterone help boys start puberty?

There are no foods which help you to increase testosterone. Testosterone is produced naturally in the testes when you reach puberty regardless of what you eat.

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Science has proven that THC, in marijuana, has proven to slow/stop the growth of cancerous cells. So does it actually shrink the tumor? No, but it will help stop it from growing.

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yes,taking loan help the farmer

How does exercise help you lose mass?

It helps make the fat cells shrink, and as you can not get rid of fat cells (they can only grow or shrink) it helps make them get smaller when you exercise. Doing daily exercise can also help build up the muscles and lose calories. When calories are burned, weight can be lost.

Why is it important for the testes be outside the body?

Sperm production requires an environment that is neither too hot or too cold. The cremaster muscles are those that will raise or lower the scrotal sac. If the testes are too warm, the cremaster muscles loosen and the scrotal sac will hand lower. If the testes are too cold, the cremaster muscles will control and draw them up closer to the body for warmth. So it's all about temperature control.