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I donot think there is any possibilities of both country getting united in near future,because we have gone through a long distance since independance.this is totally rubbish to say that we will get united because we have identical habbits.then Nepal must be a part of India because we also share same culture,language and many more thing.Pakistan is acting like a pampared its better to stay away from Pakistan...its worth useless of thinking about such thing.I think there are possibilities of both countries getting united once again in near future, since both the countries are culturally similar, people from both side are identical, their habits (Eating, Language, Music etc) are same.

All we need is people to people contact once that is established trade & economic partnership will start. In the present global scenario the commercial interests on both sides would put immense pressure on both the governments for stronger ties.

On the other the regional economic & strategic powers such as C hina & Middle Eastern countries would like the present status, US & allies would probably like & may act as mediators (Pressurize both countries) to unite since their major threat in future would be from P.R.C & the middle eastern countries (Indirect Threat).

I am sure that our generation would see this happening in our lifetime

Saurabh Pathak

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Q: Will the Pakistan and India could be a single nation like before 1947?
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