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Q: Will to much alfalfa hay hurt a cow?
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How much protein does Alfalfa Hay have?

Alfalfa hay is about 20%-21% protein.

What is best hay for goats?

Either alfalfa hay or grass hay but if would prefere alfalfa hay

What precautions should you take when changing your horses diet from alfalfa to grass hay?

You don't really have to worry, because alfalfa and hay are pretty much the the same. Unless you horse don't like hay of alfalfa, don't do it. (I dout your doesn't like hay.

Why shoud a rabbit not eat alfalfa?

Actually alfalfa in small quantities will not hurt your rabbit. Either a sprig of fresh or a small handful of hay is a great treat.

What is the feed of a Brown Swiss cow?

They eat hay (alfalfa, timothy etc) TMR (total mixed ration of soy beans, hay, silage etc), grain, corn etc.

How much does a bale of hay cost in California?

close to $20/ bale of alfalfa

What kind of hay or grain gives a horse the most amount of energy?

Alfalfa hay gives the most energy and so does alfalfa based grains. Alfalfa is much like eating sugar, in how it can makes you hyper. Racehorses are fed this to have a better performance in races.

What crops are grown in Nevada?

Alfalfa Hay, Carrots, Onions, Timothy Hay, just a few I have seen in person. There is much more.

Price of Idaho alfalfa hay per ton?

The price of alfalfa hay in Idaho per ton can be as high as $265.00 a ton. The price depends on the quality of the hay.

What are the two categories of hay?

There is hay made of various grasses. And hay made mostly of alfalfa. The second has more nutrients but can cause loose stools if fed as pure alfalfa.

What is best for chinchilla alfalfa or timothy hay?

Timothy hay should be their staple hay. you do not want to give alot of alfalfa hay because it is high in calcium and too much calcium is not good for chinchillas. some other safe hays/grasses chinchillas can have are: broome, bermuda, meadow, oat, bluegrass, and mountain.

What do you not want in alfalfa hay?

Blister beetles.