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yes be prepared they will come on friday the 13 of september 2012. they have magic do not try to oppose let them rule. they will catch you do not try to escape they are the best ever and will take you home and take good care of you and turn you into a cat or dog and you have the choice which one and the land will become unicorn land and toronto Ontario is safe but the unicorns will create forests everywhere and they will rule you you will keep your home but they will own you and have you choose between being a cat or dog then they will take you to the forest and you become a unicorn when you leave the forest but you will keep your memory forever and everyone will live forever but if they fight the unicorns they will die and if you let them rule they will take good care of you! so plz dont fight hope this helped unicornz rok

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1mo ago

No, unicorns are mythical creatures and do not exist in reality. Therefore, they cannot rule the world.

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Where are the unicorns in the world?

There aren't any.

Where did unicorns come from-?

The first unicorns came from the hearts of the true believers and the thoughts of many.

What will the world look like in 3000?

there will be flying unicorns

What would be a world's greatest thing?

definetly Unicorns.

When do unicorns run the world?

they don't exist in this world, so it will never happen and if you thought that Unicorns were real you must of been dropped on your head. Get off the Bong pipe.

Why do charlie the unicorns friends float and not him?

they float with the power of imagination. and in a world with unicorns you can't always expect the laws of gravity to be exact.

When will unicorns take over the world?

Never, they are fictional animals.

When did unicorns go extinct?

When Noah called all the animals to get on the ark, The unicorns were in the forest playing teatherball, so when the flood came none of them survived, and God forgot how to create the horn so that is how unicorns became extinct, and how horses came into this world.

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Why can't unicorns fly?

Because they are fictional, they do not have wings and the world they live in does not have magic

What do you call a flock of unicorns?

A group of unicorns is called a blessing of unicorns.

What is group of unicorns called?

As there is no such thing as unicorns there is no word for a group of unicorns is nathan