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so far it hasnt hurt mine

but if lots of people in your house are on the internet it might be slow

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Q: Will using Xbox Live on your Xbox 360 hurt your internet?
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I don't think so but it wont hurt to try

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Disadvantages of using internet?

if you are sensitive you could be bullied and really be hurt and if is against your values there is a LOT of porn

Is anybody naked when using this website?

The great thing about the internet is that you can access it from the comforts of your home. As long as it does not hurt anyone else, clothing is optional.

Is Xbox live bad?

no it is not. If your a worried parent than you can always set up parental controls so that they cannot send messages or video chat and such. There is no worry about viruses or hackers either, it is just games, and cannot hurt your connection. Xbox live is not meant to be bad at all, its just the people. Yes there are a few people on there that are bad mouthed but overall its a very fun experience.

What is hurt is it a noun or is it a verb?

"Hurt" can be both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to physical or emotional injury. As a verb, it means to cause physical or emotional pain or harm.

Can you play Xbox 360 games on standard Xbox console?

I don't think so. Maby it wouldn't hurt to try. Any way I think it might work

Do burned Xbox 360 games hurt the Xbox?

No but you would have to test them first I would just get a Jtag Xbox or just buy games either one.

Make a simple sentence using the word hurt?

The fall hurt her knee.

Can a wireless signale from an xbox 360 hurt an hd tv if they are to close?

No the wireless signal will not damage your tv.

Is Xbox 360 bad for your health?

If you play long enough your eyes will start to hurt but other than that no