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Q: Will you get in trouble for not filling because you owe back child support?
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How do you pervent someone from filling bankruptcy on back child support?

... prevent ... Bankruptcy is a Federal process and has no effect on child support. Bankruptcy does not dismiss child support debts.

Can you get into trouble if your paying child support for a child and you live with the person your paying the child support to?

No, as long as the money paid is going to the house where the child lives then you can not get into trouble at all. However, if the child and her mother are receiving any form of state assistance you and the mother could get into trouble for committing fraud.

Can you get in trouble hiding money from child support?

YES! This is a crime that WILL result in imprisonment.

How can a person collect child support when they have to pay child support?

You sue the person for child support. Just because you pay child support for one child does not mean you can not receive child support for the one you have custody of.

If you have not paid child support because of bank repute?

If you have not paid child support because of bankruptcy in Canada? If you have not paid child support because of bankruptcy can you go back if the person is now working and have a income?

Can a mother get a child in trouble for something the child accidentally heard?

No because its accident

What if non-custodial parent is married at the time of filling for child support?

In general, (re)marriage should not increase or decrease one's child support obligation, regardless of the new spouse's income or the presence of stepchildren.

Can child support be stopped because she had a child?

Depends on your state.

Can you stop paying child support if she becomes pregnant?

No, your child will not be emancipated because she is pregnant and her parents still have to support her until she is.

My child's mother is thinking about filling for child support. Can I take a lower paying job to keep that low?

First, congratulations on your well-developed sense of responsibility! If the courts determine that you took the lower paying job to avoid child support, they might calculate support based on your previous earnings - and I hope they do.

Do you need to pay child support if you have an intervention order stopping you from seeing the child?

Yes, you will still have to pay child support because you are the mother or father of the child, and that makes you still pay child support.

Can child support agency file child support on a party?

Yes they can. They can because if a child falls off something no one will be there to help.