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Your quads and glutes will get slightly(and I mean barely noticeable) larger on those machines if you haven't worked those muscles in a long time (via new stimuli). But usually those machines dont put enough "oomph" into those muscles to cause them to grow significantly. So you shouldn't worry too much about getting a "bigger than necessary" buttocks, lol.

You can get those muscles "toned" up real nice with a good diet and consistent exercise.

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Q: Will your quads and glutes get larger using a Stairmaster vs an elliptical or just more toned?
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Which muscles can be trained using elliptical fitness equipment?

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What leg muscles cause you to jump and how?

The quads, glutes, adductors and calves

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Glutes, hamstrings and quads. glutes contract to bring leg back, and so do hamstring. Quads then contract to push off once the leg has made contact with the ground (a bit like a squat)

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Treadmills work out your gluts and quadriceps. Depending on your workout, it can work the quads, harmstrings, glutes, and/or hip abductors.

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Elliptical Machines provide resistance that help build your muscles. The motion of an elliptical is similar to climbing stairs, so it works your quads, calfs, and gluts.

What are some butt exercises?

Squats are great for your quads and glutes. Place you feet shoulder width apart and squat down keeping your back straight.

What kind of exercise can you do for thicker legs?

Squats build up your glutes and quads very nicely. Climbing stairs is good and is also good for the heart/lungs.

The Bowflex Power Pro is ideal for working out which muscle groups?

The Bowflex Power Pro is ideal for working out all muscle groups. You can work out your abdominal muscles, your biceps, your triceps, your quads, and your glutes on that machine.

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It depends on the kick, for example: a snap kick as is known in martial arts is made by contracting the quadriceps muscles very quickly with the hip flexed so the thigh is parallel to the floor.

What muscle groups does an elliptical trainer exercise?

The muscles that are used on and elliptical are the pectorals, triceps, and biceps when pushing or maneuvering the handles and your gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and quadriceps when moving your legs in the stair like motion that is associated with the elliptical movements.

Is the action of quadriceps concentric or eccentric when weight is lowered when squatting?

Glutes and quads contract when you stand, lengthen when you squat. So it's eccentric for those muscles. There are a bunch of muscles involved in a squat, some may be concentric.