

Would God condemn the Soviet Union?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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No, because GOD is a loving father to all,despite our short comings.

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Q: Would God condemn the Soviet Union?
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No he does not. The article you read was wrong and intended to scare you. God's love is eternal and all encompassing.

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God rewards and punishes all nations. This is why the Soviet Union broke up after a relatively brief period, while the United States prospered.

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Thank God that Christ did not come to condemn us, as the Bible says: For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved (John 3.17) But he will judge us all, as Peter told Cornelius and his friends, (Acts 10.42)

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The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, does not mention God. The phrase "In God We Trust" has been on the money since the 1950s, a move to show that we were "better" than that mean old Soviet Union.

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Some do and some do not. Many Russians are Christians, most commonly Orthodox, but many Russians are atheists and were encouraged to be so during the time of the Soviet Union.

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It's a meme called "In Soviet Russia,...(things are reversed)" For Example: "In Soviet Russia, beer drinks you/dog walks you/.." So the Sentence "God created man" means "Man created God"

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Maybe god was a little bit gay and every so fashion forward.

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A:No, most certainly not. People should be free to worship a God or gods in whatever way they choose. However, true choice means informed choice, and people should be given information on which to base their decision, including possible explanations that there is no God, or that the teachings of their religion may not be entirely based on fact.Another aspect to this question is that it would be impossible to "destroy" all religions. And also, there would no reason to even try. Here is an example of the latter point. Karl Marx, the father of Communism, declared that religion was the opiate of the people. Following in Marxist tradition, the communist doctrine of the Soviet Union was basically atheist. There was, however, no serious attempt to try to eradicate the main religion there which was Greek Orthodox.With simple common sense, the rulers of the Soviet Union, realized that trying to eliminate religion would only undermine the Soviet State.

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