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when water is added to calcium hydroxide it becomes more dilute and the PH gets closer to 7, therefore its PH would become lower.

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Q: Would adding calcium hydroxide to water raise the PH or lower the PH scale?
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Can I lower the pH of sodium hydroxide with water?

Yes. Adding water to a solution of sodium hydroxide will dilute the NaOH and lower the pH.

Why isn't magnesium hydroxide used as an antacid opposed to calcium hydroxide?

Magnesium, although having the same valence electron configuration as calcium, is toxic to humans at lower levels. Humans can handle having more ionic calcium in their system than they can ionic magnesium, so calcium salts are more commonly used as antacids. However, I don't believe calcium hydroxide is what is used as an antacid in humans - hydroxides are strong bases and I would think this would be very caustic and could cause chemical burns to the digestive tract. I believe the actual antacide is calcium carbonate. However, the above paragraph about why magnesium versus calcium is still true for a carbonate salt.

Will calcium carbonate damage pool water?

It will make the water cloudy. to remove calcium carbonate simply lower pH in the pool to 7.0 or lower and calcium carbonate will redissolve back into suspension and water will clear up. You can get this characteristic by adding sodium Carbonate too quickly.

Why would adding an acid or base lower the pH in a solution?

Adding an acid to a solution will lower it's Ph, but adding a base will raise it's Ph.

Why is a chemical reaction created between calcium and water?

Calcium is not found as the metal in nature. It prefers to be a compound. Nature abhors energy and always tries to minimize it. That is why iron and steel rust. Nature prefers iron to be lower energy- rust. In the same way, calcium is far lower energy and far more stable as calcium hydroxide than calcium metal. So calcium reacts with water because it is so energetically favorable. Ca + 2H2O -------> Ca(OH)2 + H2

What may occur if calcitonin is hypersecreted?

Low blood calcium. Calcitonin decreases blood calcium therefore it would result in an even lower amount of calcium.

What would cause the pH of water to lower?

adding something acidic

What do you add to sodium hydroxide to get pH lower?


How is sodium metal prepared?

Using Downs process, by the electrolysis of molten sodium chloride. This is done in a Downs Cell in which the NaCl is mixed with calcium chloride to lower the melting point below 700 °C. As calcium is less electropositive than sodium, no calcium will be deposited at the cathode. This method is less expensive than the previous Castner process of electrolyzing sodium hydroxide.

Why would a calcium channel blocker lower Cardiac Output?

One of the factors that make muscles contract is the release of calcium onto the muscle fibers. An electrical signal is sent into the muscle and stimulates the sarcoplasmic reticulum to release calcium along the muscle. A calcium channel blocker may reduce the muscle's contact with calcium and could possible explain why the heart has lower output.

What is calcium build up in the body?

In order to lower your calcium levels in your body you can do a few things. Calcium is used by muscles in the human body so you can exercise and utilize some of the calcium which you have building up. You can also lower the amount of calcium you get per day and increase your fluids. Also talk to your DR. about meds that lower calcium levels such as loop diuretics, and corticosteroids.

Can vitamins help lower blood pressure?

There are many vitamins that can help lower blood pressure. Vitamins and minerals like Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium can help with lowering your blood pressure. Adding more of these vitamins can help facilitate a blood pressure drop.