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Q: Would gills function well if the had fe blood vessels?
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Would gills function well to remove oxygen from the water if they had few blood vessels?


Would gills function well with few blood vessels?

The gills would not function well because they need to get oxygen flowing through them to make the creature able to breathe.

Why would you expect gills to have an exceptionally large number of capillaries?

Capillaries, which are the smallest of the blood vessels, are the site of gas exchange...carbon dioxide diffuses out of surrounding cells into the gills to be lost into the environment, and oxygen diffuses from the environment into the gill cells and then surrounding tissues. The gills function like the lungs of a fish, so large numbers of capillaries in these structures function to supply oxygen/get rid of waste carbon dioxide for the organism.

Why fish are red?

The gills are sided by a series of capillaries. Capillaries are small blood vessels. These capillaries are used to transport oxygen from the gills throughout the fish.

What is the function of the gills on a squid?

The octopus passes blood to its gills where it dumps co2 and takes rich oxygen

Why do fish gills contains lots of blood vessels?

Fish gills are the equivalent of human lungs. Our lungs, and the fish's gills, are the part of the body that absorb the oxygen we need and expel the carbon dioxide that we nave to get rid of. The way that this happens is through the blood vessels (arteries carry oxygen-rich blood around the body, while veins carry deoxygenated blood) Humans extract oxygen from the air that they breathe into their lungs, while fish obtain their oxygen from the water that passes through their gills.

Why do the gills have a large surface area and rich in blood vessels?

Gills are the underwater equivalent of our lungs and they need those features in order to extract enough oxygen from the water so that they can breath.

What structure in fish performs the same function as lungs in mammals?

GillsThe gills perform the same function.

Why are Fish able to breathe in water?

Because they Have Gills, and gills help them to breathe in the water. As water flows over the gills, a fine network of blood vessels can extract oxygen from the water, much like our lungs collect oxygen from the air when we breathe.

What is the function of the ostia in a crayfish?

It pumps newly oxygenated blood that's come from the gills into the heart, to circulate again.

What is a function of a mushrooms gills?

The function of gills on a mushroom is to hold and release the spores that a mushroom produces.

What type of circulatory system does a squid have?

Squid's have complex, closed circulatory systems. They have three hearts; two of the hearts pump blood to the gills. Once the blood has circulated through the gills it is then directed to the main heart to be pumped to the rest of the body.