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Medical :

From the studies available (and there are not many) the efficacy of Strattera (atomoxetine) is significantly less than Ritalin or other methylphenidate drugs like Concerta or Daytrana and amphetamines like Adderall and Dexedrine.

There is certainly significant evidence from at least a dozen clinical trials that Strattera can help ADHD but, depending on the study, between 20-30% of participants discontinued treatment and as little as 20% had a statistically significant response. There is also significant concern about Strattera's side effects, particularly the increased risk in suicidal ideation among people 24 and under.

During development of Strattera, the drug was intended to be an antidepressant however clinical trials indicated Strattera is not effective in treating depression but it did produce some positive results for ADHD. Strattera's side effect profile, including increased risk of suicidal ideation, is very similar to the drugs it is most related to, antidepressants.

A significant amount of anecdotal evidence, backed up by a few studies, indicates that Strattera is more effective in people who fail to respond to two-three stimulants (eg., Adderall, Ritalin, and Dexedrine). People who may have been first prescribed Strattera and found it to be ineffective normally responded to stimulants.

In addition, stimulant medications are still considered to be first-line medications by most physicians and medical associations. In fact recent studies indicate that stimulant treatment is by far the most effective and safe treatment of ADHD. Surprisingly there is also more evidence indicating that therapy and behaviour modification has minimal efficacy and may be appropriate for people with very mild ADHD however more severe forms almost always require medication and often do not respond better to medication and therapy.

I must also note that it is important not to judge a medication based upon a single personal experience or anecdotal story. Unfortunately side effects do occur with any drug and it may be serious, even lethal in rare cases however one story is not clinically significant. All drugs have risks and benefits and it is important to talk with you doctor about the best medication for you. It is also important to understand the different drugs including their active ingredient and side effects.

Do not discontinue, start, or change the dose of any drug without talking with your doctor.

Personal anecdotes about Strattera:

From my daughter's experience, the answer is NO. Strattera had more side effects and the side effects were extreme. They included tiredness, irritability, anger, and extreme mood swings. Strattera discontinuation syndrome was horrible. When she took Ritalin, while she needed it more frequently (a few times a day), she was more focused in school and we didn't see the extreme mood swings that we did with Strattera and we did not experience horrible withdrawal effects.

For me, personally, YES.

For several years, I had been taking Cylert, but was concerned about the liver function checks that I had to go through taking that medication. Ritalin is not an alternative for me; I have bad side effects from long-term use, including mild amphetamine-like psychosis and disabling migraine headaches.

Last year, they found a type-3 Bosniak Cyst in my right kidney. The kidney had to be removed.

For seven months after my hospital discharge my ADHD went unmedicated I didn't see any way around learning to live without the medication. Needless to say, this was a BAD IDEA; after convalescence, upon return to work, my job performance ratings went straight down the ol' toilet!

I've been on Strattera for 6 weeks now, and I'm REALLY pleased. My family certainly notices the difference, and I can see a difference for the better in my performance at work!

Side effects...well, I now do have some difficulty urinating; but it's usually only a few moments pause before I begin; I notice that the urinary flow is not as rapid as it once was, and that it takes me longer to urinate, but that seems relatively minor. Sometimes I still "feel" like I have to urinate after I've urinated. This usually stops after a few minutes.

I have noticed a mild bit of sexual dysfunction, but that seems to be wearing off. I haven't noted any others, no extreme constipation, no nauseau (unless one of the pills accidently breaks in your mouth-- man! Does it taste NASTY!), no difficulty operating heavy machinery.

For me, Strattera seems to be a good fit. I do have some concern about the difficulty urinating, because I now have only one kidney, but my overall performance is better with this than with any other medication I've tried for ADD, all of which were amphetamine or methylphenidate based.

My step son's mother put him on Strattera about 4 months ago and he has become cruel to animals and his friends. He is very hyper, can't concentrate,and has developed other new problems that he didn't have before he was on the medication. I don't want to try and put anything in anyones head, but medication is not always the answer.

I think it really depends on the individual. For me, the answer is no, because of the side effects.

Ritalin causes my mood swings to be a little worse at times, but when I could afford Concerta, the time release version, it wasn't as bad. Ritalin and Concerta help me concentrate, make me less impulsive, and evens out my energy level throughout the day.

Strattera makes me very tired, more depressed and angry, and caused severe pain and discomfort in my "male parts". It helped me a little with impulsiveness, but did not help me in the other areas.

My mother (62) and myself (31) started on Strattera simultaneously about four weeks ago. We had just recently been diagnosed, and not been on any medication for ADHD previously. Within the first week my mother started speak more coherently. During the second week, I had to organize and oversee several important projects at work, and for once I wasn't an anxious mess. Also, I was hearing what people were saying without falling out or interupting. WOW! Somewhere during the third week, I began to have thorough thoughts. That is to say, I could think through an issue without being highjacked by other stuff in my head. I have to say I was amazed at the level of intellectual thought that was going on! Felt like I could really conquer the world with my brain functioning like this. My side effects, a sort of "drugged" feeling that dissipated over time. My mother, unfortunately, had to go off as she was tired and sweat profusely in what resembled hot flashes (even though she has long since passed menopause). My doctor switched me to Ritalin, since he feels more sure it is totally safe, and after a great first week (I have never been so sweet and nice in my life, lots of energy and no drugged feeling), I started to have mild anxiety. Ritalin seems to provoke my anxiety, and wears off during the day, which I think is terribly unfortunate since I would like to think clearly around the clock.

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8y ago
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12y ago

Ritalin is addictive and contains like a speed chemical, where strattera isn't addictive so it is safer to treat A.D.D patients who have a chemical dependency issue, and doesnt have any speed effects. i personally am a recovered drug addict and strattera is the only thing they will give me and it doesnt work nearly as good as Ritalin did. It gets fustrating once an addict you cant get appropriatly treated cause you cant be trusted.

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14y ago

It would depend on why you were taking it. Strattera is a non-stimulant, non-controlled drug and Adderall is a stimulant, controlled drug. Both can be used for ADHD. I take Adderall for Narcolepsy to stay awake.

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11y ago

It is really a question for your psychiatrist. However I hav heard of ppl taking both and being ok. (they may need a short acting stimulant to get them through the last part of the day. But strattera should be a once daily med...)

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13y ago

No; Strattera does not have any pronounced effects on "feeling" like Ritalin does. Strattera for this reason is prescribed to those who are likely of drug abuse.

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12y ago

If you're asking if it gets you messed up/higher than Ritalin then yes. Same effect as if you take a lot of ritalins.

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Will Strattera have the same affects as adderall at 120 mg help big test tomorrow?

No it wouldn't have the same affects. Strattera is a non-stimulant, non controlled drug used for ADHD. Adderall is a stimulant and a controlled drug. I take Adderall for narcolepsy to keep me awake. Adderall can also be taken for ADHD.

Will taking caffeine and Strattera help concentration?

Well and this is jusy my personal opinion, the euphoric state and level of concentration your able to obtain while taking adderall is obviously more potent than that of caffeine and coming off of adderall besides the occasional emotional mood swing is free of the drop in energy that caffeine induces. If you look aside from the chemical differences adderall is a safer alternative to taking the high amounts of caffeine it would take to even acheive anywhere close to the feeling that adderall gives you or the ability to concentratrate and focus on specific tasks which I don't think caffeine would allow because of it's difference. Caffine seems too be a mild stimulant where as adderall is a prescribed medication specifically designed to help with a problem. It makes the differences easier to see perhaps from an athletice perspective, I can play with my adderall as I monitor my intake when I play as where caffeine would only eventually hamper my play, regardless of the dosage because of it's physical effect on my body. So I would say that yes there is a significant difference between the too. Trust me I play better with a little adderall and a healthly diet than with a couple cokes that don't allow me that great a level of concentration for me. Cokes are great any other time as well though. Hope I helped a little. Wish you the best of luck. God bless.

Can you take Lortab while taking Strattera?

I would consult your psychiatrist.

Can you take creatine with Strattera?

I know that Strattera's most common side affect is dry mouth, which I experience. Creatine increases water retention, so I also wondering if this combination would increase the dry mouth.

What happens if you take two Strattera pills at the same time?

Strattera is not a narcotic. If someone took two I believe they would feel incredibly drowsy.

Has anyone found Strattera to be as effective as Adderall XR for providing the motivation and energy to begin and complete tasks?

Strattera was a complete waste of time for me. Lots of side effects and no efficacy. Adderall XR is much better. Strattera seems to be useful for about 1/2 those who take it. Plus it's very new. Effects of low doses of stimulants are very well understood over time. NOT SO with Strattera, despite all the fancy marketing material. I had exact same experience as above post. Maybe Strattera is good at treating hyperactivity, but for motivation and drive it's terrible! Same here. Personally, I think Strattera is a drug they give people at first to see who's just trying to get speed from Dr.s and who wants to really get help. If you go through the hoops, I guess they assume your genuine. My doctor pescribed me strattera and when i took it i felt a no energy, i could not pay attention, and i felt depressed but then i took adderal and it was completely diffrent thing

Can take you take Claritin with Strattera?


Can you take Tylenol while on Strattera?

Yes; Strattera has no known interactions with Tylenol (paracetamol).

Can you take dextromethorphan while on Strattera?

Yes you can but the Strattera inhibits the conversion from DXM to DXO

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Can you take cephalexin and Strattera together?

Yes, Cephalexin and Strattera can be taken together. Cephalexin is just an antibiotic and will have no effect on the Strattera.

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