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Q: Would numbness in fingers and severe electrical shock pain in r shoulder arm and hand be from c3-6 disc protrusions and annular bulging and tear and t7-9 protrusions and narrowing of L neural foramina?
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Can slight disk space narrowing cause tailbone numbness?

By no means am I a Dr......I only play one on tv .....anyway I have narrowing disk degeneration and yes it caused numbness in my tailbone and if I sat for too long my lower half to the toes would go numb . I've had surgery to repair since and its still numb from time to time

What is spinal stenosis surgery used to repair or prevent?

Spinal Stenosis Surgery is used to repair a narrowing of the spine, generally in the elderly. This narrowing can cause pain and numbness in the back and extremities, as well as possible bladder and bowel problems.

What does foraminotomies mean?

Foraminotomies are surgical procedures aimed at widening the passageways where nerves exit the spinal column, known as the foramina, in order to relieve pressure on compressed nerves. This can help alleviate symptoms such as pain, numbness, or weakness caused by conditions like herniated discs or bone spurs.

What do i feel from arteriosclerosis?

progressive fatty calcific deposits inside blood vessels with resulting narrowing of the lumen of the vessel and ultimate block of the vessel. depending on the narrowing symptoms may be from mild to severe pain, numbness and small ulcers or gangrene also

What does moderate generalized disc bulges with bilateral neural foraminal narrowing mean to my function?

This could affect your range of motion.You may also have some numbness or tingling

What is narrowing of the neural forma mean?

narrowing of the neural forma means, a constricted or narrow opening that nerves pass through.Depending on the narowed area where the nerves pass through the spinal cord will dictate the parts of body affected by neuroforaminal stenosis.common symptoms are: Pain,Tingling, Numbness, Weakness.

What is central disc herniation at L4-5 associated with concentric disc bulging and mild narrowing of the right and left neural foramen?

A herniated disc in the low back which makes the foramina (the bony holes on either side through which the spinal nerves pass) narrow. This can result in one or both of the spinal nerves being pinched, causing pain or numbness to radiate down one or both legs. On the other hand, it's possible that neither nerve is pinched at all.

What is mild to moderate left foraminal stenosis?

Moderate left foraminal stenosis is compression of the cervical spinal nerves that travel through a narrowing of the foramina. Causes of the narrowing include herniated disc material and bone spurs in the neck.

What does severe narrowing of the right c3-4 neural foramen mean?

The foramen is the portal in the vertebra where the spinal cord branches out into nerves that run to other parts of the body. Narrowing can constrict this nerve, which in turn can result in pain, numbness and in more extreme cases, loss of motor control -- it may also be asymptomatic. C3 is the third cervical vertabra -- that would be in your neck.

Is there a link between foraminal narrowing and multiple sclerosis?

No, foraminal narrowing and MS are not related, although they can produce the same symptoms. Foraminal narrowing is a condition in which there is narrowing of the spinal column, causing compression of the vertebrae and the nerves which protrude from them. Symptoms can sometimes mimic MS, with numbness and tingling in the extremeties. MS is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks nerve cells, leaving behind scars (or scleroses). These areas of "demyelination" transmit signals less efficiently than normal, causing many varied symptoms, depending on the location of the actual demyelination. Thus, "Multiple Sclerosis" means "many scars."

What are tarsell tunnel symptoms?

Symptoms to tarsal tunnel include a vague pain in the sole of the foot, numbness, tingling, burning or a sensation that may be similar to an electrical shock.

What is Moderate degree of spinal stenosis?

Moderate spinal stenosis means that the narrowing of the spinal canal is narrowed to the degree that symptoms are always present. At the moderate stage symptoms include stiffness or numbness in the back or neck, persistent radiating pain, and some loss of flexibility.