

Would you be able to jump on the moon?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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you would be able to jump on the moon. the moon's gravity is 1/6 of earths gravity so there is a bit of gravit but not alot so you will be able to jump abit

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How do you jump over the moon?

It is physically impossible to jump over the moon. You would have to be able to stay airborne for hours probably. And you would have to jump many miles high.

How would your ability to jump change on the moon?

You will be able to jump six times higher on the moon because the moon's gravity is 1/6th of Earth's.

Can you float on the moon?

No there is just very low gravity on the moon so you would be able to jump longer distances and such.

Why isn't there any gravity on the moon?

There is gravity on the moon, if there wasn't any how would people be able to land on it at all? Or jump on it?

Why would Neil Armstrong be able to jump 8 meters?

On Earth, he probably wouldn't. During his Moon trip, the lower gravity on the Moon - 1/6 of Earth - would make 8 metres jump no big deal.

If you jump from two meter high on the earth how high would you be able to jump on moon?

Since resistance on the moon is 1/6 that of the earth, one simple answer could be 2 x 6 = 12 meters.

Would you jump higher on the moon or on earth?

i think the moon

Why would tourists think it would be a better place to live on the moon?

The tourists might think it would be a better place to live on the moon because you will be able to jump 6 x higher than you can now, there is not a lot of pollution on the moon so the air is very good .

What would you do for pleasure on the moon?

you could play football on the moon because the ball would float and you could jump to get it.

How fast would you have to jump off the moon to land on earth?

You cant jump off the moon and land on earth because , there is zero gravity in space , so you would float away

What planet can you jump the highest off of?

We have only been to the moon... So i would say the moon.

Where can you jump the highest the moon or on earth?

If you still want to consider it a planet, then that would be Pluto. If you're going by the new standards - Pluto is no longer a planet, but a meteor - then that'd be Mercury.