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See US Citizenship and Moving Abroad.

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Q: Would you lose your US citizenship if you were to resume the Canadian citizenship you had at birth?
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Does father get Canadian citizenship when his child is born in Canada?

No, citizenship is not given to parents based on their child's place of birth.

Would having a birth certificate only be absolute proof of citizenship in US if father was not a citizen mother did not meet requierment for citizenship?

This question is meaningless, it is missing punctuation. But the answer of the question "Would having only a birth certificate be absolute proof of citizenship, in the US, if your father was not a citizen and your mother did not meet the requirements for citizenship?" would be no. For example, Czech birth certificates have nothing to do with US citizenship.

If an American couple has their baby in UK does baby get automatic dual citizenship in UK and the US?

Yes absolutely! Your child will have dual citizenship: • American citizenship by birth in the United States ["lex soli" ] • British citizenship by descent being born to a British citizen ["lex sanguinis"]

Is US born child to Canadian born mother allowed entry to Canada?

Since the mother herself was born in Canada, the child is eligible for Canadian citizenship. You should contact the nearest Canadian embassy or consulate general to apply for a certificate of Canadian citizenship. In the meantime, the child still can enter to Canada using his/her American passport or birth certificate (birth certificate can be used instead of a passport only if he or she is under 15).

Your mother is us citizen you were born in Canada can you get dual citizenship?

Citizenship is a process that takes time to be approved by the government of the country you wish to become a citizen of. In general, citizenship status in the US is difficult to receive and takes several years of processing. If your daughter is a citizen of both countries, you can include that information on your citizenship application forms, but you will still need to go through the proper channels to get approved. Having a daughter as a US and Mexican citizen will not make you a citizen of both and will likely have little impact on your application for citizenship. Becoming a Mexican citizen would be significantly easier if you were a US citizen, as the paperwork and legality is not nearly as complex and strict. Check with the governments of both countries to determine the best course of action for your specific situation.

Should date of birth and or citizenship be included in a resume or curriculum vitae?

No one is allowed to ask for your age when you are applying for a job. Some items will give clues... like the year you graduated from high school and how old most people are when they graduate. I also don't think that your citizenship should be placed on your resume, but most jobs require proof that you are able to work in the US before they will hire you. Date of birth should not be included in a resume, however citizenship or alien status should be. Since getting a residency under EB-2 category takes 3 years or more, it is important for a person why could not move or got a better job. Please note that in some countries, for example in most European countries, it is absolutely standard to give one's date of birth and citizenship in one's resume.

A child born in Canada to an American mother and a Canadian partner is he an American citizen?

Yes, they can and are. Canada will recognize the child naturally because they were born on Canadian soil, and to a Canadian parent. The child will also inherit the US Citizenship of the American Parent, although the Parent will have to declare the child to the U.S. Consulate showing their proof of citizenship as well as the child's Canadian birth certificate.

Can a british citizen join the Canadian army?

No, you have to have Canadian citizenship I believe, so if you gain Canadian citizenship you can, but it may take awhile as they do a minimum 10 yr background check. I know a woman who lived in Russia for most of her life joined. If you're willing to gain Canadian citizenship though, you should be able to.

Could clam citizenship even if birth to navel father?

If your parents are Canadian, then you are automatically canadian. I think that is true in the states as well as in the commonwealth (Old british colonies). But I am only certain for Canada

Can I apply for Canadian citizenship I was born in Canada and parents are Pakistani currently 18 years old?

If you are born in Canada and your parents were not diplomats at the time of your birth, then you are already a Canadian citizen by law. You just need to get your birth certificate from the province in which you were born.Although, if you opt to be a Canadian citizen, you may lose your Pakistani citizenship. If you are not sure whether or not this will happen, ask the Pakistani embassy if you live abroad or contact the responsible authorities in Pakistan to find out.

If an American citizen gives birth to a child in Canada what is the child's citizenship?

The child is a citizen of both countries, since it was born on Canadian soil, but from an American citizen.

What document determines citizenship?

A birth certificate shows citizenship.