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void fibonacci(int x)


int f=0,m=-1,n=1,i;









void main()


int n;


printf("\nEnter the limit:");





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Q: Write a Fibonacci function then takes an input from the user in main program and pass to function which prints Fibonacci series up to this number in c language by using for statement?
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Write a Fibonacci function then takes an input from the user in main program and pass to function which prints Fibonacci series up to this number in c language by using while statement?

#include#includevoid fibonacci(int x){int f=0,m=-1,n=1,i=0;while(i

How the program statement and code are related?

A statement in your program is part of the code. In a low-level programming language, a statement will map directly to a single CPU instruction. In a high-level programming language, a statement is the smallest element of the language's syntax.

What is the meaning of statement missing in function main in c language?

Every C program must have a function, named main(), which is where the program starts execution. If there is no function main(), the computer does not know where to start running the program. The function main() must also do something; if it is just empty, some smarter compilers will note that there is nothing for the program to do, and will give this sort of error message to indicate that you forgot to tell the program what to do.

Write a program to print the Fibonacci series in php upto input value using recursive function?

The Fibonacci sequence uses recursion to derive answers. It is defined as: F0 = 0 F1 = 1 Fn = F(n - 1) + F(n -2) To have this sequence printed by a php script use the following: function fibonacci($n) { if($n 1) return 1; //F1 else return fibonacci($n - 1) + fibonacci($n - 2); //Fn } This recursive function will print out the Fibonacci number for the integer n. To make it print out all the numbers in a particular set add this to your script. for($i = 0; $i &lt; 15; $i++) { echo fibonacci($i) . "&lt;br /&gt;"; } So your final result would look like. &lt;?php function fibonacci($n) { if($n 1) return 1; else return fibonacci($n - 1) + fibonacci($n - 2); } for($i = 0; $i &lt; 15; $i++) { echo fibonacci($i) . "&lt;br /&gt;"; } ?&gt;

What statement can be used to transfer control back to the main program after the execution of a subroutine?

It depends what language you are using. Structured languages provide the easiest method, simply call the function containing your subroutine and control will automatically return to the point of the call when the function ends. You can even use functions to return a value to the caller. If functions are not an option, the language might provide a gosub statement. This is similar to a goto statement but returns control to the caller, much like a function would in a structured language.

What are the phases and passes of a general language processor?

Language processor consist of two phases 1.Analysis phase 2.Synthesis phase Language processor pass is the processing of every statement in a source program, or its equivalent representation to preform language processing function pass 1-It analyses the source program and notes relevant information. pass 2- It synthesizes the target program

Where does c language program begin execution?

The execution of the program starts with function main, wherever it is in the source.

Write a javascript program for Fibonacci series?

I did this as an answre to some common js questions , the question wasWrite a function which will return you first two times 1, then 2, then 3, then 5 and so on (Fibonacci numbers). Don't use any global variables.var fibonacci = (function () {var arr = [0, 1];return function () {var num = arr[arr.length - 1],len = arr.length;arr.push(arr[len - 1] + arr[len - 2]);return num;};}());//testvar i;for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {console.log(fibonacci());}//1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55

How do you write a program using the gotoxy statement and print function to display letters of the alphabet on the computer screen?

There is no gotoxy statement in C.

Why functions use in c language?

Because you have to: any executable statement in C must belong to one function or another; there mustn't be executable statements outside of functions.and it also reduces the length of the program

How do you call an external function or program that is written in different programming language?

It doesn't matter what language the external program or function was written in since all executables must be converted to machine code. To execute an external function, that function must reside in a library to which your program is linked and you must know the prototype of the function you intend to call. This is usually found in the library header file which can simply be included in your program. You can then call the external function just as you would an internal function. To execute a specific function in another program, however, you must use the command line interface for that program.

Explain goto and return in c?

A return statement is used to transfer the program control flow to the function that has called the current function under execution. If the function is main, then the program returns the control flow to the operating system. The syntax for return statement is:return return-type;A goto statement is used to transfer the control flow to a particular labelled statement, not necessarily back to the calling program. There are somerestrictionson using a goto statement. For eg: the goto statement should not skip any variable declarations. The use of goto statement is usually considered as a bad programming practice. The syntax for goto statement is:goto label_name;....label_name: statements;