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// The node class is used to store a value from the

// unsorted list, along with its index in the list.

// The left node points to a tree of nodes where

// all values are less than this node's value. The

// right node points to a tree of nodes where all

// values are greater than (or equal to) this node.

struct node


unsigned value;

unsigned index;

node* left;

node* right;

node (unsigned val, unsigned idx)

: value (val), index (idx),

left(NULL), right (NULL) {}

~node ()


delete left;

delete right;


void insert (node& n)


if (n.value<value)


if (left)

left->insert (n);


left = &n;




if (right)

right->insert (n);


right = &n;



node* find (unsigned val)


if (val == value)

return this;

else if (val < value)

return left ? left->find (val) : NULL;


return right ? right->find (val) : NULL;



// The tree class maintains the root node of a binary

// search tree (BST). The default constructor builds

// a BST from a vector of values. All other methods

// delegate to the root node.

struct tree


node* root;

tree (const std::vector<unsigned>& v)

: root (NULL)


for (unsigned i=0; i<v.size(); ++i)


node* n = new node(v[i], i);

if (!root)

root = n;


root->insert (*n);



~tree ()


delete root;


node* find (unsigned value)


return root ? root->find (value) : NULL;



// A helper function to determine if a value exists

// in a vector or not.

bool exists(std::vector<unsigned> vect, unsigned num)


for (unsigned i=0; i<vect.size(); ++i)

if (vect[i] == num )

return true;

return false;


int main()


// random number generator (range: 1 to 15)

std::default_random_engine generator;

std::uniform_int_distribution<unsigned> distribution (1, 15);

// create an unsorted list with 10 random numbers and print them

// in the order they are generated

std::vector<unsigned> vect;

std::cout << "Unsorted list: ";

unsigned nums = 10;

while (nums--)




unsigned num = distribution (generator);

// ensure num is unique!

if (!exists (vect, num))


vect.push_back (num);

std::cout << std::setw(3) << vect.back();



} while (true);


std::cout <<std::endl;

// create a binary search tree from the vector

tree bst (vect);

// now go find all the numbers in the tree and show where they

// reside in the list (include all the missing numbers)

for (unsigned num=1; num<=15; ++num)


if( node* n = bst.find (num))


std::cout << num << " was found in the tree";

std::cout << " and is at index " << n->index;

std::cout << " in the list" << std::endl;



std::cout << num << " could not be found in the tree" << std::endl;



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Q: Write a program to perform a binary search on an unsorted list of n integers?
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