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Q: You admitted to hitting your wife in a Request for Admissions Can you qualify it as being in self-defense?
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What can you do if your son hit another kid with no witnesses but when police came he admitted hitting the kid and the kid went to the hospital for treatment?

Being that the kid is under 18 you might be able to get off saying the kid admitted to it because he was just scared of the police. depending on the damage and age of the kids will also effect what will happen.

How do you apologize to your lover for hitting?

by not hitting them in the first place!

Can you get pregnant from a man hitting you from the back?

If by "hitting" you mean literally hitting, then no. You cannot get pregnant from someone hitting you. If "hitting" is meant as a slang term for sexual intercourse...then via anal penetration, no. Via vaginal penetration, yes, you can get pregnant.

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Is hitting a verb?

Yeah, hitting is an action currently happening.

What is the hitting surface of a badminton racket called?

hitting the floor

How have the greater damages the car hitting another car or car hitting a steady car?

car hitting a steady car

Is there hitting in soccer?

No there is no hitting in soccer, and I should know because I play it.

What is the hitting surface of the hammer?

Either face of the head is the hitting surface.

Most times hitting a balloon without it hitting the ground?

2300 times

In wrestling is the hitting and and kicking and object hitting real?

Some of it is real, not all of it.

Is animal abuse considered hitting?

It can consider hitting or just not feeding and watering them.