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Your metabolism may never slow down much if you have alot of your dad's genes, but either way you should know by the time you are around 22 which way your metabolism will go....but, if you are really active still into and through your 20's, you may never really gain much weight.

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Q: You are 15 and have a fast metabolism your dad is really thin even if he eats a lot but not the same for your mother you were just wondering when will your metabolism slow down?
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Metabolism is the rate at which the body burns food for energy. No, milk does not slow down the body's metabolism.

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Nuts have been shown to increase your metabolism. It's a myth that nuts will slow down one's metabolism.

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The 180 Degree Metabolism Diet is focused on repairing a metabolism that is broken down by repetitive dieting and understanding the hormonal triggers which control metabolism. There is no actual best 180 degree metabolism diet as every body is different and you should look for the one that really adjust to your lifestyle.

What does metabolism do to your body?

What metabolism does for your body is that it cuts down fat in your body.

Is water broken down in the metabolism?

No. but the process of metabolism creates water.

At what time of the day does your metabolism slow down?

after 4pm your metabolism decreases and the time where your metabolism is extremely slow is when you are a sleep

Why did your metabolism slow down?

The metabolism can greatly slow down when you have hormone problems. It can also slow down if you don't eat healthy foods and exercise.

Do you lose weight really fast by not eating?

No if you don't eat your metabolism will shut down. You need to find the right balance of eating and exercising.

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