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Pregnancy tests that detect HCG in the urine are not effected by age. HCG will be present in the urine during pregnancy at all ages. When in doubt, take another test or have a blood test done by a doctor (or public clinic). Missed or irregular periods are a part of menopause, which typically occurs at around age 50. Nurse Z

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Q: You are 52 and took a urine pregnancy test The result was negative Can you rely on this?
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Ive got the signs of being pregnant but the tests was negative?

Don't rely on home pregnancy tests, go to a clinic and do it properly.

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What structures rely on pressure for the movement of urine?

Many structures within the kidneys rely on fluid pressure. The glomerus, Bowman's capsule, and tubules are all parts of the kidney that rely on fluid pressure to move the urine components along.

What structures rely on fluid pressure for the movement of urine?

Many structures within the kidneys rely on fluid pressure. The glomerus, Bowman's capsule, and tubules are all parts of the kidney that rely on fluid pressure to move the urine components along.

What is more effective a urine test conducted by a doctor or a blood test conducted by a doctor?

If the urine test is positive it is concidered to be as accurate as a blood test. However, blood test can detect pregnancy even after 7-10 days past conception. Blood test is always more SURE than urine test I would rely on blood test more! All the best!

If you test negative for chlamydia are you good to go?

Both partners should be tested; you should not assume that you are negative for STDs based on your partner's test. Various situations can lead to one partner being negative and another positive. Don't take a chance.

Can you test positive on a pregnancy test and get your period than get a negative result on a pregnancy test?

Yes, unfortunately an estimated 50% of pregnancies are lost before they are ever even discovered. Your period is actually a very early miscarriage. This is called a chemical pregnancy. * It MAY be a sign of having had a chemical pregnancy. Spotting or even a period when you're first pregnant can be implantation bleeding. And false negatives can happen for all kinds of reasons. Bleeding during pregnancy accompanied by cramps/abdominal pain can be a bad sign, though, and you should call your doctor. But false negatives are way more common than false positives, and you should rely on a doctor's advice to be sure.

How can you have Chlamydia If you tested negative six months ago?

You might have gotten chlamydia from somewhere else, you could have some other infection, your partner could have had a false negative result, or you might have some other non-infectious problem. You should not rely on a partner's result to determine whether or not you have an infection. If you have pain or discharge, you should get tested.

You were two weeks late and then heavy painful bleeding came you took a pregnancy test a couple of days before and it was negative?

Pregnancy tests rely on levels of HCG in your system. Levels approximately double each day you are pregnant. Some women dont have a high enough level in their system to show positive on a preg test until their period is weeks late. It is recommended that you take a preg test first thing in the morning so that your urine is strong. When you took the test, your urine may've been too diluted. It is possible that you WERE pregnant. If your body doesn't produce enough HCG, the pregnancy will not continue and you will miscarry - although it will just seem like a heavy late period because it is such an early miscarriage. You will probably never know for sure.

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What are negative aspects of technology?

we rely on it too much. and when it crashes, we cant do anything.

How reliable are online pregnancy quizzes?

I would not rely at all on an online pregnancy quiz. I would suggest either getting a take home pregnancy test kit or merely visiting your doctor or a clinic.