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well i know you might be nervous,but the only way to find out is to first,asked one of his friends, and if they dont say anything, ask him! Yes its is very scary to ask that question to a guy but it's worth knowing the truth.

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Q: You are a 7th grade girl and you want to know if a 8Th grade boy id flirting with you?
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You are a 7th grade girl and you want to know if a 8th grade boy is flirting with you?

fist ask him and if you shy ask a firnd to ask him

How to stop a girl from flirting with another?

with another girl ? Why would you want to stop that

How do you let a guy know that you want him to ask you out?

that's why flirting is around, mainly flirting will let him know that you like him

What is flirting?

flirting is when you try to impress a girl. for example make her laugh or act tough. now people use flirting to try to get a girlfriend. its a risky business but when you do it right its WORTH IT. Note: Flirting can be done by anyone, and isn't just used to impress a girl. Flirting can have different effects on anyone, and someone may be turned off or annoyed by a flirting tactic you may use. Flirting is used when you want to show someone that you're interested in them. Flirting can be complimenting someone or joking with them. It's a good idea to make the person you're flirting with feel good about themselves, and to make them comfortable around you. If you flirt well, people may want to get to know you better, and since flirting is normally used by people who want a relationship... It's good to know how to flirt.

Your a 13 old girl and want to flirt with you friend a girl but in a way she doesnt know youre flirting?

sayy you no imm trinna get wit you so STOP actin Shady

A bot keeps smiling flirting and staring but I know that he flirts all the time does he like me or not cos I like him a lot?

If he is flirting with you and you like him too, he might really want to be with u. If hes flirting with another girl he might: A. Like you B. Like someone else

I am 15 and know nothing about flirting but want to lear do you have any pointers for me for when i find a cool girl?

You will know when a girl likes you by the way she won't want to leave, or she would say something about leaving.. i can't explain it by no more than saying you will know when you and her like eachother.. flirting really means just sharing thoughts. and eye contact;) and if you need more help go to:How to FlirtHow To Flirt With Any Girl, Anywhere, & Never Get

What happens when a girl has a crush on a boy?

She'll want to be with him a lot and she will start flirting and talking about him.

Who I know a girl in my class she hasn't told me she has a boyfriend (but has one) and flirts with me. Does she like me?

She probably does like you if she is flirting with you. However, if she has a boyfriend, you may want to set your attention on a different girl who you might have a better shot with.

Does it mean that Every girl who is Flirting with you is wanting sex?

that really depends on how she is flirting,..if she is aggressive about it then it is very likely that she does want to sleep with you, but if she is being passive and/or cassual when she is flirting then maybe sex isn't the only thing she is after

How do you ask a person are they flirting with you?

Just start to to laugh. Then say are you flirting with me? Because of course you want to know because what if you like that person.

What grade are you in?

13th grade