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Men are Gay not Lesbian. Women are Lesbian, and Bisexuals like both Men and Women.

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Q: You are a man and you are lesbian so therefore lesbians like girls and you are man so you are a man who likes girls Is this correct?
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Are lesbians girls or boys?

A lesbian is a girl who wants to have "relationships" with other girls, not boys.

What are the effect of a lesbian?

You scare the girls away...... however lesbians are lovely.

Are Lesbian hot for girls?

Lesbians are romantically and sexually attracted to other women.

Your a guy but you have always been attracted to Butch lesbians. How can you get one to like you?

unfortunatly there is no hope if the 'butch lesbian' really likes Lesbians. it's like a man likes girls therefore it is a butchy girl who likes a girl.

Do lesbian girls get periods?

Periods have nothing to do with sexual orientation. Lesbians are just as capable of menstruating as straight girls.

Is it bad for girls to become lesbians?

You can't become a lesbian. You are either born that way, or you aren't. And it's not bad to be born a lesbian.

Who is the majority lesbians Girls bisexual girls or straight girls?

Straight girls and guys are the majority then gay then bisexual. straight girls on accasion you will find a lesbian

How do lesbians get a date?

Lesbians usually are friends with other lesbians and so they have their friends find dates for them. Or lesbians look up the local lesbian bar (or lesbian night at the gay bar) in their city and go and offer to someone cute a drink. Or lesbians take their dogs to the local dog park/dog beach and scope out the other lesbians there and make small talk with them. Or lesbians make friends with another lesbian and then they just go out and do things together as friends until one of them gets the nerve to do something romantic. Or lesbians do an internet search for lesbian dating sites and meet other lesbians online and then arrange to meet in real life. some lesbians have lots of charm and the ability to get people to rethink their sexual orientation. this usually happens if the lesbian doesn't live around many other lesbians. they try to change the straight girls with sweet talking and compliments. most boyish lesbians known as butch's or dikes have an easier time cause they are closer to boys which is what the straight girls like.

In FRIENDS is all the girls a lesbian like phoebs rachel monica?

No none of the girls are lesbians, but Ross' ex-wife Carol decided she was a lesbian before the show started and has a lover named Susan.

Are lesbians attracted to butch or girly lesbians?

It depends on the person entirely. Some are attracted to masculine-looking girls and some are attracted to feminine-looking girls and/or girls in between. One can be a butch lesbian and be attracted to other butch girls or feminine-looking girls and vice-versa.

Why lesbian attracted to girl?

they are attracted to women because they feel that the boobies of a women are nice and fun to play with, they also like to eat each other out