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You do not explain why you "can never be with them." Is it religious or cultural pressures?

HOPEFULLY, you are NOT with a married person?? ( meaning a person married to another besides yourself). It is less painful to shoot your own foot, if that is the case. and, the healing involved in a shot foot will be faster than the healing required of getting over loving a married person.

If you ARE with a married person, and you DID "get them" for your very own, just think, now YOU are the one now married to a known cheater. Hmmm.

But, without understanding WHY you can not be with the person you love, it is hard to answer this.

But good luck, and DO keep in mind, there is MORE than just "1" person for each of us, thank dawg!! After each broken heart, IF that is indeed what you are experiencing, we ALL and i do mean ALL of us, think--> "I will never ever love like THAT again." Many of us, also swear, as we lick our wounds, "I will never love again--not anyone-- period."

But, time proves us wrong, time and time again. There are billions of wonderful people, and, whoever you are, i PROMISE you, in time, sooner than you think, you WILL find someone you CAN love and be loved by. HANG IN THERE!!

And, until that person to love appears on your horizon, do get out there, and invest your time and energy into doing things YOU love to do--whether it is finding books in lovely lil bookshops, or, hiking nature trails, or, joining groups on that interest you, or volunteering to help others, (THE WORLD NEEDS YOU) or learing to dance, or, becoming politically active in causes you support, or, gardening, or, being with friends who accept you for you, or, excercising/bike riding, or, whatever bakes YOUR cookies, DO JOIN INTO ACTIVITIES THAT INTEREST YOU!!

Be good to yourself. We do show others how to treat us, whether we are cognizant of that or not. So practice being good to YOU.


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Q: You are in love with someone who you can never be with but your life is pointless without them what do you do?
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