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Is this about your sorry a$$ husband? If the coverage is his, i.e., he has this health insurance through his job, or if he is paying a premium for a privately obtained policy, you obviously cannot cancel his insurance. If you are carrying him on private insurance that you are paying for, or if he is covered under a policy that is a benefit of your employment, you can remove him from the coverage at any time so long as there are no restrictions in the policy (maybe as to timing) or unless your separation agreement (or a court decree) specifically addresses the issue, in which case the separation agreement (or court order) will govern whether you can drop his a$$. Although this response is to a wife seeking to drop her husband, the law would be the same for a husband seeking to drop his wife. It assumes that neither spouse has been adjudicated "supporting" or "dependent" and, as in almost all legal opinions, while true in my state, may or may not be so in other states.

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Q: You are legally separated can you cancel your spouse's health insurance in the state of North Carolina?
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Under South Carolina law, debt that is incurred during a marriage is presumed to be marital debt. This would mean that both spouses are legally obligated for their share of the debt, regardless of the listed individual to the debt.

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Divorce is a legal proceeding. It cannot be done in an Ex Parte manner. BOTH parties must appear.

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That would not be a very nice thing to do, what you should do is write to your spouse and the insurance company, point out that you are now separated and indicating that you will no longer be paying for your spouses insurance after a fixed date in the future. This informs the insurance company of your intentions and allows your ex spouse to arrange their own health insurance.

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Spouses are allowed to carry separate insurance policies, as there are no laws stating otherwise. However, it is generally more cost effective for spouses to carry one together.

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Credit Life Insurance.

In a marriage is the husband legally responsible to have health insurance for his wife?

A husband is not legally responsible to have health insurance for his wife. Many employees opt not to have health insurance for themselves. Health insurance is a voluntary election and no law exists making it otherwise. However, do be aware that any medical-related debts incurred by one spouse are considered "common" debts, and as such, the other spouse is legally required to pay for them. In the event of a divorce, said debts would be even divided between the spouses, even if only one spouse incurred them.

Do same-sex married couples get insurance?

If you mean can they buy insurance jointly or insure each other, then the answer is "yes" in states where same-sex marriage is legal. If you mean to ask if an employer will give health, dental, optical insurance benefits to the same-sex spouse, then the answer is this: In states where same-sex marriage is legal, if an employer gives any benefit to the spouses of its workers, then it cannot legally deny that benefit to the spouse of one of its workers merely because his marriage is a same-sex marriage. So the answer is yes. If they extend insurance coverage to spouses, then they must do so to ALL spouses.

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Are you legally married if your wife is not a ctizen?

Yes as long as both the spouses have married legally, have a marriage certificate and have registered it in the court of law!!!!!

Why does the US Military not give health insurance to same-sex spouses of servicemembers?

It does. Beginning June 26, 2013, same-sex spouses of active service members are eligible for health insurance.

Does Boeing offer dental insurance to same-sex spouses of its employees?

Yes, they do.