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Q: You are very worried here you have had the Mirena implant since February of 2008 your periods got pretty on track there for a while and then they went from barely spotting to nothing over the past?
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Will you skip a period on implanon?

You may have irregular or absent periods on the contraceptive implant. YOu may also have extra spotting or bleeding. All of these are normal. If you have sudden absence of bleeding after a long period of spotting, take a pregnancy test.

How long should it be until my periods settle down.had a implanon implant in my arm 3 months ago..?

Irregular bleeding and spotting is a normal side effect of using hte contraceptive implant. In exchange for this inconvenience, you get top-tnotch pregnancy prevention.

You have the implanon birth control which 99 effective but your period is 2 weeks late and ive been having some brownish red spotting on and off could you still be pregnant I've had spotting before wh?

Spotting and irregular periods are side effects of the implant. If you still think you're pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

How can you tell if implantation has occurred?

Sometimes you don't know but the implant should work 7days after you got it, this is because the body needed time to get used to the chemicals being released. Some women experience, spotting, or light periods, or heavy periods. it all depends on your body. Some people experience nothing at all so don'tt be surprised if u dont exprience anything

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Can malnutrition cause spotting between periods even if you are on birth control?

Being on the pill can cause spotting between periods, called breakthrough bleeding.

Can you get pregnant with the progestogen only subdermal contraceptive implant?

can you get pregnant when your on the implant and still have periods

Can antibiotics cause spotting between periods?


If you have the implant and therefore do not have periods how do you know if your pregnant?

get a test at the supermarket.

Can spotting between periods after 40 be a symptom of perimenopause?


On the pill is it normal to have spotting between periods?

No this isn't normal

Can exercise cause spotting between your periods even if you are on birth control?

Yes it can.