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Yes, it probably would. If you changed lanes and you bump in to someone in front of you, you were not looking. The same for if you bumped into someone behind you.

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Q: You changed lanes and hit someone is it your fault?
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Who is at fault if you hit the car behind you when you return to your lane after going around a car that was pulled over?

If you changed lanes and hit a car in the lane you are trying to get into you are at fault.

Are you at fault if you hit somebody when you change lanes because there is a truck with emergency lights flashing and you cannot see the pedestrian?

If you changed lanes, before it was safe to do so, regardless of the reason I would say , yes, you are.

Who is at fault when a car hits a driver that has just changed lanes because the car was speeding?

Who changed lanes? Not sure I understand, am going on the assumption you changed lanes, but hit the other party because they were speeding. You have a duty to not change your lane unless and until it is clear and safe to do so. If the other driver were speeding (and you can prove it) there would be some negligence assessed to the speeding driver. This is difficult to prove though. If you'd like to give me more details, then I could be of more assistance.

Do it depend on where you hit someone when backing up to determine who's at fault?

Yes i think that if you are hit in the foot its their fault if you are hit in the stomach, its your fault.

If someone changes lanes in front of you cutting you off and you hit them in the back who is at fault?

depends on if they changed lanes safely or not(used their turn signals and changed lanes when safe to do so ) If they did you are at fault , if not they are . ALLWAYS get a cop out on the scene of a traffic accident , get a report and request that they be cited(given a ticket ) if they illegally change lanes etc , that way you have placed the blame where it should be and had it verified by an independent party (the police) , which is a tough combo to beat in a claim or in court . Good luck

If you are backing into a parking space and you are hit by the drivers side door to the rear wheel who is at fault?

Well if you were backing in and hit someone then it is your fault. But if they hit you, then it is their fault.

If you are in the left hand turn lane and someone crosses over 2 lanes of traffic and hits you in the lane whose at fault?

It really depends on where they hit you and if you were moving. For example if you are stopped in the left hand lane waiting to turn (legally) and a car hits you, it is their fault. However if you are somewhere you are not supposed to be and they hit you, it is your fault for being there. It all comes down to the right of way and who has it.

Who is at fault you completed making a left turn when you saw a parked car coming out and looking the other way not at the road beeped the horn but it was to late he admitted it was his fault?

It depends on where you hit the vehicle. If you hit the first half it's his fault. If you hit the second half it's is partially your fault so you are only compensated for a percentage of your damage. If you hit him in the rear, it's your fault unless he was driving recklessly (speeding, changing multiple lanes etc.)

Are you at fault if you hit someone from behind who stopped in the middle of the street and the started to back up?

If they wern't going backwards when you hit them you are at fault.

Who is at fault in a rear end collision approaching a stop light?

If you hit someone from behind it is automatically your fault.

Who's at fault if someone opens their car door in traffic and the door is hit?

The person that opens the door is at fault

Who is at fault in Florida when you are backing out of a parking lot space and hit someone?

It would be the person driving fault because it is like the same thing as driving and hitting someone.