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i had the same dream accept they were having intercourse.


Okay, the guy, so I am guessing he is a guy, is no help to you or any one. I am not sure I could help much, but from what I know of dreams, snakes are usually bad and means enemies or sickness unless it is your totem animal. Which I don't think it is because in your dream, it's being eaten by a dog.

Dogs in dreams are usually there for guidance. So your dream of a dog eating a snake could mean someone, maybe you, is trying to get ride of something bad or there is a bad person you want to give ride of. Since the snake is eating the inside of the dog, it probably means you are not going to get ride of this problem or person.

Well this is how I see it, dreams can be interpret in other ways depending on what has happened in your life or what is going to happen or even how you feel when you go to sleep. I hope this has helped you, it's probably better then the guy above ;-)

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Q: You dream of being bitten by a small green snake there is this dog he is sitting in a car he gets out and starts eating the snakes but as he is swallowing them the snakes start eating his insides?
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