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No, you dont fell pain in the part of the brain called the thyroid. The thyroid or thyroid gland is actually what you call an Adam's Apple. So basically the thyroid has nothing to do with the brain

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Q: You feel pain in the part of the brain called the thyroid true false?
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Do you feel pain in the part of the brain called the thyroid?


Do you feel pain in the thyroid?

Yes, you do feel pain in your brain and it's called the thyroid.

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Can my brain feel pain?

Yes, your brain can feel pain because that is where all your emotions come from.

Does raw thyroid extract aid in weight loss?

I have had my thyroid removed, and I gained sooooooo much weight. When I was perscribed the synthetic thyroid, I was still gaining, when I supplemented it with the raw thyroid hormone, I lost weight, and didn't feel jittery. I love it and have lost 60 lbs

What does thyroid secret?

The thyroid secretes two main thyroid hormones. One of these hormones is called 'T4' or 'thyroxine' and the other is called 'T3' or triiodothyronine. The gland secretes roughly 80% T4 and 20% T3. There are very tiny amounts of other thyroid hormones known as T2 and T1 but they don't appear to be clinically very important as the vast majority of hypothyroid patients do well on T4 supplementation alone and nearly all those who are still dissatisfied feel well again once T3 is added as well.All of the T4 produced by the thyroid undergoes peripheral deiodination in the liver to become T3 as T3 is the metabolically active thyroid horome.

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What are thyroid nodules symptoms?

There are no definite symptoms specific to having thyroid nodules. What the sufferer will feel is generally unwell. They are also likely to have unexplained loss of weight and appetite.

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that is dangerous. so its false

When bacteria dies does it feel pain?

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