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test the pH scale. get a pH scale and put the liquid safely on the slip with a baster and read the instructions to find out what the pH rating is. If it reads pH Level 1, then it is car battery acid. if it reads 7, then it is water. if it is any other number, then it is vinegar (I don't know the pH of that).

Throw a bit of baking soda on it. If nothing happens, you know it is water. If it is vinegar or battery acid it will foam. Vinegar normally smells like, well, vinegar.

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To determine the identity of the liquid, you can use pH strips to test its acidity. Dip a pH strip into the liquid and observe the color change. If it turns red, it could indicate vinegar or battery acid. If it remains blue or green, it is likely water. Make sure to wear gloves and eye protection when handling potentially hazardous liquids.

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Q: You find a puddle of clear colourless liquid on your driveway It is either water vinegar or spilled battery acid from the car How can you safely test the liquid to determine its identity?
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What determines life of batteries?

The life of batteries is determined by various factors, including the type of battery, usage patterns, temperature, and storage conditions. Over time, chemical reactions degrade the battery's ability to hold a charge, eventually leading to a decrease in performance and the need for replacement.

What is the white stuff in a battery called?

The white stuff found in a battery is called "battery corrosion" or "battery acid leakage." It is typically a buildup of potassium carbonate or potassium hydroxide, which can leak out from the battery and cause damage if not cleaned up properly.

What is the difference between and alkaline battery and a pile alkaline battery?

There is no difference between an alkaline battery and a pile alkaline battery. "Pile" is just a term used in French to refer to a battery. Both terms describe the same type of battery that uses an alkaline electrolyte.

Where was the alkaline battery invented?

The alkaline battery was invented in the United States by Lewis Urry in the 1950s. Urry was working for the Eveready Battery Company at the time and developed the alkaline battery to be more powerful and longer-lasting than existing battery technologies.

How long does a 8-Cell Lithium-Ion battery last?

On average, an 8-cell lithium-ion battery can last between 2 to 4 hours, depending on the usage patterns, device specifications, and battery capacity. It's important to note that battery life can vary based on factors such as the age of the battery, screen brightness, and running applications.

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How do you determine how many amps a battery can handle under continuous conditions?

To determine how many amps a battery can handle, this information should be on the battery itself. You can also get a battery tester to determine amperage.

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If the battery is damaged from a collision it could explode while sitting in your driveway.

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you will have to get 2 batteries and compare it

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== ==

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you would buy a new one ,charge it, or call someone who knows more

How do you know which battery terminal is the correct one for your battery?

A person can tell the proper size by knowing the size of the notches on the battery before heading to the store to purchase. Then based on the size that will determine the battery terminal size required for the battery.

If you have a circuit consisting of a battery and a wire What two factors determine the amount of current in the circuit?

The voltage of the battery, and the resistance of the circuit (including the resistance of the wire and the internal resistance of the battery).

How do I get a copy of my high school diploma from battery creek high school?

Write to the school - and provide proof of your identity.

How do you determine whether the battery is 6 volt or 12 volt?

Measure it with a voltmeter.

How much does a 12 volt battery cost?

There is a wide variety of pricing for a 12 volt battery. The overall wattage of the battery will determine overall cost. Typically they will cost anywhere from $100-$400 for a new battery.

How long is the battery life of the average Power Wheelchair?

Battery life is usually up to 6 hours. Keep in mind the weight of the occupant and the type of terrain will determine battery life.