

Best Answer

It depends on a number of factors. Go to an eye doctor. He or she may have the answer. If he or she says no, try a place like Bascom Palmer for a second opinion. Go to such a place. They can give you an answer. The sooner you get it taken care of, the better chance you may have of avoiding blindness.

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Q: You had a blood clot in your eye will you have permanent blindness or is there treatment?
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Is aspirin an effective treatment for blood clot?

Aspirin has Anti-platelet effect so may use as secondary pharmacological effect as anti clot or blood thinning.

What is a blood cloth in the vessels leading to the brain?

A blood clot in the vessels leading to the brain is a cerebrovascular accident (CVA), a stroke, or a cerebral thrombosis. Such a clot can block oxygen provision to the brain and cause permanent damage.

What is a treatment for thrombus?

Thrombus is a blood clot that forms in a vessel and remains there, which can block the flow of blood in that location depriving tissues of normal blood flow and oxygen. To dissolve these blood clots, a procedure called thrombolysis is used. Thrombolytic drugs are prescribed and generally given in combination with anticoagulant drugs.

What is a blood clot that is traveling?

An embolus is a wandering blood clot.

What forms blood clot?

its blood that's got alot of clot

What are clot busters?

If your blood flows out of your heart too slowly, a blood clot can form that completely blocks the artery.This is a kind of heart attack called a coronary thrombosis. A nonsurgical treatment that is successful in many cases is the use of "clot buster". Given to a patient through the veins, a clot buster is an enzyme that dissolves clots.

What are the side-effects of leg blood clots?

A blood clot in the leg occurs within a large vein in the leg causing blood flow to be blocked. If you are experiencing pain in your leg and notice that it is swelling or becoming red, then you have a blood clot. If you notice these symptoms, you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Leaving a clot untreated could cause

Can a blood clot in your cheek be removed and is a blood clot in your cheek life threatening?

A blood clot in your cheek is life threatening and you would have to have surgery for the clot to be removed.

A stationary blood clot is called?

stationary clot is called a thrombus or a blood clot.

What does thrombus mean in medical terms?

Thrombus in medical terms means blood clot.

What is a blot clot?

it is a blood clot

What works to clot blood?

it is a dinosaur thatoughs up blood and forms a blood clot