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This isn't a matter for speculation. Call your doctor.

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Q: You had dark looking clots and something that looked like a piece of skin could this be a miscarriage?
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Does bleeding clots only one time indicate a miscarriage?

If you have a confirmed pregnancy & was bleeding clots then this can indicate a miscarriage but you need to see your Docctor to confirm this with him. However if you was not pregnant but experienced clots during your period for the first time, then this is not caused by a miscarriage. Clots during a period is perfectly normal & may occur every period or only once a year. Its different in each Woman.

You have had a very heavy period with large clots and you have been passing some clots that look like raw steak Do you think that you have had a miscarriage?

During a miscarriage, the tissue is usually clots that are a grey or pinkish colour & sometimes you can see veins. However it is possible to pass large black clots during a miscarriage. It's possible you could have a miscarriage but it depends if you was having pregnancy symptoms. You may simply be having a unusually heavy period for you & passing large clots because of this. Antibiotics can sometimes cause the symptoms you mentioned but its unlikely. See your Doctor for a blood test asap.

Why are you having watery blood with blood clots?

Watery blood with blood clots can be a sign of miscarriage. You can also have an unusual menstrual cycle. If you have watery blood with blood clots you need to go to a doctor.

Is clotting always associated with miscarriage during early pregnancy?

No. It is normal for a lot of women to experience clots during their period. But if your pregnant and you experience clots along with heavy bleeding, then this is usually a indication of a miscarriage. You need to see your OB or doctor for confirmation.

Is bleeding and leaking dangerous during pregnancy at 15 weeks?

It is most like a miscarriage and it's definitely something to see your doctor about ASAP. It can be dangerous if the bleeding is very heavy or accompanied by clots.

What would a miscarriage look and or feel like if you were 6 weeks pregnant?

A heavy painful period with clots.

What is back pain headaches bloating late period heavy with clots?

Any chance it could be a miscarriage?

What do blood clots in a miscarriage look like?

I had a miscarrage and a d and c. I have been having blot clots. They look like chunks of dark jelly or chunks of liver. I was 8wks

Is a white pinkish color clot a sign of a miscarriage?

Yes If you are pregnant and are passing blood clots, go to an emergency room immediately.

Are there multiple blood clots in a miscarriage?

Yes. Accomponied by heavy bleeding and menstrual like cramps. Go to an emergency room

I had a period 3 weeks ago and i am bleeding again with big clots is this a miscarriage?

maybe but cycles vary joymaker rn

If you have your period while pregnant would you get big clots and a dark brownish color?

Clots during pregnancy is usually a indication of a miscarriage. Brown bleeding is usually old blood which isn't a normal period.