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Yes you are pregnant. The bleeding that you experienced was probably 'implantation bleeding' which is when the embro implants into the uterus.

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Q: You had light bleeding when you were supposed to start your period and brownish discharge when you weep after going to bathroom now you feel tired legs faint line on test strip.could you be pregnant?
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Is it a sign of pregnancy or an STD if you have brownish discharge when you wipe after using the bathroom?

It is impossible to say on here what your brownish discharge is, you need to go to a doctor or clinic. Also there is no such thing as JUST an STD.

Could brownish discharge for 4 days and one spot of blood be implantation?

Yes; it could be implantation bleeding. Do a test.

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Yes, it could be. Take a test

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You should not have much discharge being pregnant, and if you do it should be pretty clear.

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Is something wrong with you if your period is red and brownish black?

Not at all. Bleeding red and or brownish black while on your period is perfectly normal because when its red its just blood obviously but if its brownish black its just discharge usually occurs near the end of your period but it happens in between that's nothing to worry about :)

Is having brownish vaginal discharge a good or a bad sign in pregnancy?

you should only worry if you are bleeding heavy or dropping clots most times you will discarge a lot of different types of fluid

Is it possible confuse implantation bleeding for an early period?

Yes, I had brownish/oragne/pink discharge around 4 days before my period was due..but period never came and found out that I was pregnant.

Is it normal to have brownish discharge when you start your first period?

Yes it is.

Brownish reddish discharge?

Where does this discharge come from? Plants? Animals? Humans? Repost your answer with more information, and you will get a good answer.

What can cause a brownish pink discharge about 14 days after your period?

Light pink discharge is common if you are pregnant.

What can a short period and brownish discharge mean?

Hi A brownish discharge is old blood. A short period and brownish discharge may be pregnancy related and implantation bleeding. If it is implantation bleeding it is too early to do a pregnancy test. You will need to see your doctor for a blood test. It may also be caused by a hormonal imbalance or pre-menopausal.